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Korean-Chinese caught trafficking meth

May 19, 2016 - 16:11 By 임정요

A Korean-Chinese meth smuggler was arrested at Incheon International Airport on Thursday.

Gyeonggi Province’s Goyang police said the 31-year-old woman surnamed Mun had been caught carrying 20 grams of the substance in her body. 

This is a stock image. (123RF)

Mun initially denied the charges however, an X-ray test at the airport medical center had revealed the drug inside her body.

She is being accused of bringing in a total of 440 grams of methamphetamine worth 1.4 billion won ($1.2 million) since July 2015.

Mun said her mainstay customers were Chinese laborers who are ethnically Korean, who are working in Korean bars or karaoke joints.

Two other ethnic Koreans surnamed Roh and Lee had also previously trafficked drugs to Korea until they were found out by the police and ran to China to avoid arrest.

The police said they assumed the drug sourcing channel among ethnic Koreans was substantially established and said that they will continue to comb through the community for further round up.

By Lim Jeong-yeo (