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UNSC discloses additional items banned from entering N.K.

April 19, 2016 - 11:57 By KH디지털2
The U.N. Security Council has disclosed dozens of additional items and materials to be banned from entering North Korea as part of its effort to further tighten its sanctions on the communist state, a document on its website showed Tuesday.

The U.N.'s North Korea sanctions committee revealed the list of items, materials, goods and technology that can be used for Pyongyang's programs to develop nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their delivery vehicles, South Korea's Foreign Ministry said the list was revealed on Thursday.

he additional items have been designated in line with UNSC Resolution 2270, which was adopted on March 2 to punish the North for its nuclear test in January and long-range rocket launch in February. Under the resolution, the sanctions committee was required to report the additional items to the council within 15 days of the resolution's adoption.

The new list included 12 "nuclear- and missile-usable items" such as ring-shaped magnets made of aluminum, nickel and cobalt; maraging steel in the forms of bar or tube with an outer diameter of 75 mm or greater; and high-strength aluminum alloy.

The list also included frequency changers, also known as converters or inverters, and flow-forming machines that are used in the production of centrifugal separators.

To prevent Pyongyang's production of chemical warfare agents, the sanctions list included 14 chemicals such as aluminum chloride, dichloromethane, monoisopropylamine and sodium metal.

The committee initially planned to include these items in an annex to the sanctions resolution but put them aside for further discussion due to opposition from Russia, one of the five veto-wielding permanent members of the Security Council. (Yonhap)