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Media ignore win of film on HK's future

April 5, 2016 - 14:24 By KH디지털2
BEIJING (AP) -- Mainland Chinese media ignored a film festival award by "Ten Years," a collection of five shorts that depict a gloomy future for Beijing-ruled Hong Kong, where freedom of speech has all but disappeared.

"Ten Years" won out over the favorite, crime thriller "Port of Call," in the best film category at Sunday's Hong Kong Film Festival. "Port of Call," which won seven awards, had been nominated in 13 categories and "Ten Years" just one.

Mainland media failed to mention the win by "Ten Years," with at least one entertainment site omitting it from its list of winners. Online site Tencent, which often broadcasts film ceremonies, put up videos of other winners accepting awards.

Made on a shoestring budget, "Ten Years" became a surprise hit with Hong Kong audiences for its dystopian view of the former British colony in 2025.