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N. Korean students taught Dokdo is sacred territory of Korea

Feb. 22, 2016 - 15:18 By KH디지털2

North Korean students are taught that South Korea's easternmost islets of Dokdo are sacred and inherent territory of Korea while rebuffing Japan's persistent territorial claim over the islets in the East Sea, a study said Monday.

North Korea has so far joined South Korea's stance that Dokdo is Korea's sovereign territory historically and geographically that fell prey to Japan's aggression and occupation of the Korean Peninsula during its militaristic past.

According to the study released by Dokdo Research Institute, Northeast Asian History Foundation, North Korea has taught students in secondary school that Dokdo is a sacred territory of the Korean Peninsula that has descended from generation to generation.

In the geography textbook at North Korean middle schools, North Korea depicts that historically Korea first discovered Dokdo, made it its own territory and proclaimed to the world that it has the sovereign right over it by international law.

But Japanese militarists have been blatantly asserting its territorial claim over Dokdo, the study quoted the textbook as having described.

In its textbook at high schools, North Korea emphasizes that Dokdo is a sacred territory of Korea that can never be infringed upon by other countries. 

The textbook says that Japanese militarists have persistently been plotting to confiscate the Korean territory of Dokdo, but their robber-like ambition cannot be realized at all.

Besides school education, North Korea has been conducting territorial education at job sites and organizations of various levels.

North Korea's main newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, the organ of North Korea's ruling Workers' Party, has carried articles about Dokdo many times since its first article on Dokdo in June 1965.

Recently, North Korea has accused Japan of trying to plot another invasion of the Korean Peninsula by claiming sovereignty over the Dokdo islets.

Rodong Sinmun, which effectively reflects the views of the North's leadership, said Japan's efforts to re-invade the Korean Peninsula are a foolish dream that will never be realized. 

Japan had colonized the Korean Peninsula in the early part of the 20th century. 

It then called on the country to first reflect on the inhumane atrocities it committed in the past instead of trying to claim Dokdo as its own.

More recently, North Korea's main propaganda website, Uriminzokkiri, slammed Japan for asserting its claims on Dokdo, calling it an "unabashed" claim.

"It is needless to say that Dokdo is Korea's territory historically, geographically and legally. Against this backdrop, Japan's territorial claim over Dokdo is nonsense without any proof," it said. (Yonhap)