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Ruling Saenuri Party to start screening candidates for parliamentary race

Feb. 19, 2016 - 11:05 By KH디지털2
The ruling Saenuri Party will start screening candidates vying to run in the upcoming general election to ferret out those that lack the qualifications to become lawmakers, an official source said Thursday.

The screening process for the 822 people that have applied to win the party ticket will start Friday," a party insider said.

He added that after the initial examination of documents submitted by hopefuls, interviews will be held starting Saturday.

The official said screening will first be focused on areas where there is only one candidate running for the April 13 ballot. For constituencies with stiffer competition, the screening process will take place in tandem with regional opinion polls.

Related to the announcement, the party said that the overall screening process is being held up because lawmakers have yet to decide on a new electoral system, as the old one has been declared null and void.

The ruling party and the opposition have been deadlocked on critical issues such as how to elect proportional representatives for the 300-seat National Assembly. Talks held Thursday again resulted in no headway being made.

"Despite uncertainties, the goal is to pick candidates running for districts that may not be adjusted even if there is a change in the electoral system," he said.

Rep. Lee Hahn-koo, who is chairing the candidate screening board, said earlier in the week that he will refrain from giving further impression that there is disagreement within the party on the how to pick candidates.

Lee, who will not be running in the upcoming election, has sometimes been at odds with party leader Kim Moo-sung. The latter has insisted that the selection process should be made at the district level or the "bottom-up process" in accordance with party rules, while Lee has advocated greater flexibility in picking candidates. He and others have said people with a better chance of winning in the polls should get the party ticket. (Yonhap)