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China hails late North Korean leader on birthday anniversary

Feb. 16, 2016 - 17:58 By KH디지털2
China praised the late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il on Tuesday on the anniversary of his birth, saying he made important contributions in developing ties with China.

The former North Korean leader, father of current leader Kim Jong-un, died of heart failure in December 2011, after his iron-fist rule and pursuit of nuclear weapons stoked regional tensions for more than a decade.

Asked whether China sent a congratulatory message on the anniversary of the birth of the late North Korean leader, China's foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei replied, "We highly commend him for his important contribution to the development of friendly and cooperative relationship between China and North Korea."

"We also cherish the traditional friendship between the people of the two countries," Hong said.

Tensions remain high on the Korean Peninsula after North Korea conducted its fourth nuclear test and a long-range rocket launch this year. 

China, North Korea's diplomatic and economic lifeline, has voiced support for a new U.N. resolution against North Korea, although it is still unclear how far Beijing would go in punishing Pyongyang for its latest provocations. (Yonhap)