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S. Korea prudent about Gaesong complex despite N.K.'s nuke test

Jan. 8, 2016 - 16:52 By KH디지털2

South Korea said Friday it is still premature to consider the shutdown of a joint industrial park in North Korea or the withdrawal of South Koreans there despite Pyongyang's latest nuclear test.

There has been speculation that South Korea may push for the temporary closure of the Kaesong Industrial Complex.

"At this stage, we don't think it is appropriate to talk about withdrawal or closure of the complex," Jeong Joon-hee, the Unification Ministry's spokesman told a regular press briefing, when asked about the government's future move.

The government will take necessary steps to ensure the safety of South Koreans who move in and out of the complex, he added.

A total of 124 South Korean firms are running factories with about 54,000 North Koreans working at the factory zone, the last remaining symbol of inter-Korean reconciliation, which opened in 2004.

The Seoul government said Thursday it will only permit South Korean businessmen directly involved in the operation of the factories to enter the park "for the time being." It did not elaborate on how long its measure will be effective.

North Korea's claimed successful test of a hydrogen bomb earlier this week have caused heightened tensions between the two countries.

In response, Seoul plans to resume its loudspeaker broadcasts against North Korea along the inter-Korean border at noon. (Yonhap)