최고 풍속이 시속 320㎞에 달하는 살인 토네이도와 폭우가 미국 남동부 지역을 강타하면서 성탄절을 전후한 최근 닷새 동안 최소 43명이 숨졌다.
미국 텍사스 주(州)에서 27일(현지시간)까지 토네이도로 최소 11명이 사망했다고 AP통신 등이 보도했다.
이외에 미시시피 10명, 미주리 8명, 테네시 6명, 일리노이 5명, 앨라배마 2명, 아칸소 1명의 사망자가 보고되는 등 지난 23일부터 이날까지 희생자는 최소 43명에 달한다고 로이터통신이 전했다.
외신들은 사망자 집계를 조금씩 달리했으나 그레그 애벗 텍사스 주지사는 희생자 수가 더 늘어날 수 있다고 발표했다.
11개 이상의 토네이도가 덮친 텍사스 북부에서는 고가도로에 있던 차량이 추락하는 등 사고가 속출하며 가장 많은 희생자를 기록했다.
폭우와 강풍이 이어져 복구가 지연되는 가운데 8명의 사망자가 나온 텍사스 갈랜드시 당국은 주택 등 시설물 600여 개가 파손됐다고 밝혔다.
갈랜드시는 최대 풍속이 시속 320㎞에 달한 EF-4 토네이도의 직격탄을 맞았다.
댈러스 북동쪽의 콜린 카운티에서는 3명이 사망했으며 현재 상황이 정확히 전해지지 않았다.
제이 닉슨 미주리 주지사는 이날 사망자 숫자가 8명으로 늘어났다고 발표하면서 비가 계속 내리는 탓에 이미 퍼진 홍수 피해 상황이 더 악화할 수 있다고 우려했다.
앨라배마에서도 차를 몰고 다리를 건너다가 불어난 물에 휩쓸린 남성의 시신이 수습되면서 사망자 수가 2명으로 늘어났다.
미국 동남부 지역에서는 지난 23일부터 기록적인 폭우가 쏟아지고 있다.
앨라배마 모빌에서는 시간당 101㎜가 넘는 많은 비가 내리기도 했으며 이는 1990년 강수 기록인 55㎜를 훌쩍 뛰어넘는 수준이다.
악천후로 미국 전역에서 항공기 1천100여 편이 결항했으며 이중 약 절반은 텍사스 댈러스발이었다.
한편, 물난리가 난 텍사스 바로 위의 오클라호마 주는 눈보라와 폭우가 모두 예상됨에 따라 주 서부에는 눈보라 경보, 주 동부에는 홍수 경보를 발령하고 비상사태를 선포했다. (연합)
<관련 영문 기사>
At least 11 die from Texas tornadoes, 13 in Midwest flooding
At least 11 people died and dozens were injured in strong tornadoes that swept through the Dallas area and caused substantial damage this weekend, while 13 people died in flooding in the Midwest.
It was the latest of a succession of powerful weather events across the country, from heavy snow in New Mexico, west Texas and the Oklahoma Panhandle to flooding in parts of the Plains and Midwest. Days of tumultuous weather have led to 43 deaths overall _ those in Texas, plus five in Illinois, eight in Missouri and 19 in the Southeast.
The full extent of damage from Saturday’s storms along a nearly 40-mile (64-kilometer) stretch near Dallas came into clear focus. Local officials estimated as many as 1,450 homes were damaged or destroyed. Vehicles were mangled, power lines fell and trees were toppled. Heavy rain, wind and falling temperatures hampered cleanup efforts Sunday afternoon.
“This is a huge impact on our community and we’re all suffering,” Garland Police Lt. Pedro Barineau said of the suburb about 20 miles (32 kilometers) northeast of Dallas, where eight people died, 15 were injured and about 600 structures, mostly single-family homes, were damaged.
The weather service said an EF-4 tornado, which is the second-most powerful with winds up to more than 200 mph (322 kph), hit the community at about 6:45 p.m. Saturday. It was near the intersection of Interstate 30 and George Bush Turnpike, which is a major route in the region. At least three people who died were found in vehicles, said Barineau, who also noted that some cars appeared to be thrown from the interstate, though it wasn’t known whether that was how the people found in the vehicles died.
Natalie Guzman, 33, took photos of her family’s home in a Garland neighborhood. The garage wall had collapsed and the roof fell in. The only part of the house that appeared to be spared was the master bathroom, where her brother-in-law took shelter Saturday night. He was the only one at home and told her he had just enough time to get himself and his dogs into the bathroom.
“It was worse than I thought,” Guzman said, comparing the scene to the photos he had sent Saturday.
In the nearby town of Rowlett, City Manager Brian Funderburk said Sunday morning that 23 people were injured, but that there were no deaths and no reports of missing people. The weather service said damage indicated it was likely an EF-3 tornado, which has winds up to 165 mph.
Jenkins said in a statement Sunday night that as many as 600 homes were damaged in Rowlett.
Homes in the neighborhood that had been searched by emergency responders were marked with a black “X.” In some instances, it looked like homes had been picked up and set back down in a big pile. State troopers blocked off roads, utility crews restored power and people walked around, hushed and dazed.
Three other people died in Collin County, about 45 miles (72 kilometers) northeast of Dallas, according to sheriff’s deputy Chris Havey, although the circumstances were not immediately clear.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott made disaster declarations Sunday for four counties _ Dallas, Collin, Rockwall and Ellis _ and warned that the number of victims could rise.
On the other side of the state, the Department of Public Safety in Amarillo strongly discouraged travel throughout the entire Texas Panhandle _ a 26-county area covering nearly 26,000 square miles (67,340 square kilometers) _ because blowing and drifting snow had made the roads impassable. Interstate 40, the main east-west highway across the Panhandle, was almost completely shut down. DPS said only a small section of the highway in Amarillo remained open.
Meanwhile, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin declared a state of emergency as there were blizzard conditions and an ice storm warning out west and flood warnings in the east, where one community had received 9 inches (23 centimeters) of rain. The state Department of Emergency Management said eight storm-related injuries were reported. About 60,000 homes and businesses were without power.
In neighboring Arkansas, officials said it appeared that a tornado touched down in Bearden, tearing roofs off buildings and uprooting trees. There were no immediate reports of injuries.
Farther north, rain caused dangerous driving conditions and flooding in Missouri, where Gov. Jay Nixon also declared a state of emergency, and Illinois.
Six people died overnight when two separate vehicles drove into flooded roadways in south-central Missouri, Pulaski County Sheriff Ronald Long said. Greene County authorities said two fatalities there were associated with the flooding.
In southern Illinois, authorities said three adults and two children drowned Saturday evening when the vehicle they were riding in was swept away and sank in a rain-swollen creek.
The death toll in the Southeast linked to severe weather rose to 19 on Sunday when Alabama authorities found the body of a 22-year-old man whose vehicle was swept away while attempting to cross a bridge; a 5-year-old’s body was recovered for that incident Saturday. Ten people have died in Mississippi, and six died in Tennessee. One person was killed in Arkansas. (Yonhap)