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LG Uplus recognized for IoT tech compatibility

Sept. 17, 2015 - 16:11 By 김영원
LG Uplus, the third-largest mobile carrier in Korea, said Thursday that its Internet of Things technology has been recognized for its compatibility by a global standardization body.

The Korean mobile carrier said the firm’s IoT platform has passed interoperability testing organized by oneM2M, which consists of eight global telecom standards institutes including European Telecommunications Standards Institute and Telecommunications Technology Association of Korea.
The first oneM2M interoperability testing event for standardization of the IoT technology in Paris. (LG Uplus)

Around 20 telecom firms, equipment manufacturers and research organizations -- including Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Qualcomm and Huawei -- participated in the first testing event of oneM2M held in Paris from Monday to Wednesday.

The oneM2M interoperability testing checks, among others, if IoT platforms support various messaging protocols used between devices including Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, Constrained-application Protocol and Message Queue Telemetry Transport.

With the platform that meets global IoT standards, LG Uplus will likely pick up speed in collaboration with its partners to develop electronics, sensors and telecom devices that can be interconnected on its networks.

The mobile carrier and LG CNS, LG Group’s IT solutions business unit, are working together to develop an open IoT infrastructure based on the oneM2M standards.

The company will also collaborate with tech giant LG Electronics on developing IoT technologies and conducting a series of verification tests for those technologies.

“LG Uplus will come up with differentiated services based on its IoT platform that passed the interoperability tests of the global standardization institute,” said Suh Jae-yong, a general manager of the Korean firm’s IoT service development team.

The wireless carrier has been striving to roll out services that cater to the diverse needs of individual customers. It introduced video-streaming services running on the LTE networks and smart solution that control home appliances earlier this year.

By Kim Young-won  (