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Multiple shots fired near Biden's residence, no damage reported: CNN

Jan. 19, 2015 - 09:30 By KH디지털2

Multiple shots were fired near a residence of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, but Biden and his wife were not home at the time and no other damage has been reported, CNN cited Secret Service officials as saying Sunday.

The shooting happened around 8:25 p.m. Saturday near Biden's residence in Delaware, Secret Service spokesman Robert Hoback was quoted as saying. The shots were fired from a vehicle that was traveling at a high speed on a public road several hundred meters way from Biden's residence, the report said.

Thorough searches will be conducted on the outside of Biden's residence and nearby residences to see if any rounds hit any structure, officials told CNN, adding that regional police are working with the Secret Service to investigate the incident.

An unidentified individual has been arrested while attempting to pass a police officer who was securing the outer security perimeter of the residence following the incident, but the person is not believed to be tied to the shooting, the report said. (Yonhap)