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S. Korea denounces 'shocking' attack on French weekly

Jan. 8, 2015 - 12:00 By KH디지털2
South Korea on Thursday strongly condemned the "shocking terror attack" on a French satirical magazine a day earlier that killed 12 people, vowing to join international efforts to fight terrorism.

"The government cannot hide its shock over the deaths of many people including police officers in the act of terrorism on the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo and strongly denounces this terrorist act," the foreign ministry said in a statement.

"The South Korean government prays for the repose of the victims and offers its deep condolences to the bereaved families and the French people."

"Under the firm stance that terrorism is an unjustifiable, anti-civil and anti-human act that must be eradicated, South Korea supports the French government's fight against terrorism," it said.

The South Korean government will take active part in the international community's efforts to uproot terrorism, it added. (Yonhap)