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Former Jeju prosecutor admits lewd public acts

Aug. 22, 2014 - 20:48 By Kim Yon-se
The former top prosecutor on South Korea’s southern island of Jeju admitted Friday to committing lewd behavior in public last week.

Kim Soo-chang, the 52-year-old former chief of Jeju District Prosecutors’ Office, is accused of masturbating in public near his residence on the resort island on Aug. 12.

Kim said he accepts “the outcome of the police investigation and will sincerely cooperate with the judicial process in the future,” according to his lawyer, Moon Sung-yoon.

Kim also said he will actively discuss his mental problems with a doctor to receive proper treatment, Moon told a press briefing.

The sudden about-face came hours after police conclusively identified the man committing lewd behavior as Kim, citing analysis of footage from security cameras near the scene.

Kim had denied the allegation, claiming he was mistaken for someone else, although he stepped down from his position on Monday.

Kim committed sexual misconduct five times, more than initially suggested, police officers said, citing footage from the security cameras.

Police said they plan to refer the case to the prosecution with a recommendation that he be charged with committing lewd behavior in public, an offense that carries a maximum sentence of one year in prison or a 5 million won ($4,900) fine.

Kim, who has no prior criminal record, is most likely to receive a fine if convicted, according to legal experts.

“We believe there will be no problem with bringing charges against Kim as there is clear evidence,” said a police officer close to the investigation earlier, requesting anonymity. (Yonhap)