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Park removes education, culture ministers from office

July 17, 2014 - 10:29 By 정주원
President Park Geun-hye removed the education and culture ministers from office on Thursday, her office said, despite a delay in the formation of her new Cabinet.

Education Minister Seo Nam-soo and Culture Minister Yoo Jin-ryong were both subject to a partial Cabinet reshuffle last month, which came in the wake of a deadly ferry sinking in April that claimed the lives of more than 300 people, mostly high school students.

Park informed Seo and Yoo of their dismissals earlier in the day, her office said.

On Tuesday, Park withdrew her nominee for new education minister over allegations of plagiarism and named Rep. Hwang Woo-yea, a five-term lawmaker and former chief of her conservative Saenuri Party, in his place.

Hwang has yet to undergo a parliamentary confirmation hearing, but the National Assembly cannot block his appointment. The prime minister is the only Cabinet member subject to parliamentary approval.

Park's nominee for new culture minister stepped down on Wednesday under pressure over allegations of perjury and drunken driving, among other ethical issues.

That prompted speculation that Park may retain Yoo, but Thursday's announcement has ruled out that possibility, leaving the post vacant until a replacement is appointed. (Yonhap)