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권은희, 광주 광산을 전략 공천…천정배 배제

July 9, 2014 - 20:24 By 신용배


권은희 전 수사과장이 광주 광산을 지역에 전략 공천됐다.

새정치민주연합은 9일 7·30 재보선과 관련 권은희 전 수서경찰서 수사과장을 공천하기로 결정했다고 밝혔다.

권 전 수사과장은 지난 대선 때 국정원의 대선개입 의혹사건에 대한 수사외압 의혹을 폭로한 바 있다.

권 전 수사과장의 광주 광산을 공천으로 이 지역에 이미 공천을 신청했지만 배제된 천정배 전 의원의 당내 반발과 후유증이 예상된다. 권은희 전 수사과장의 공천에는 김한길, 안철수 새정치민주연합 공동대표의 적극적인 의견이 반영된 것으로 알려졌다.

권은희 출마 천정배 소식을 접한 누리꾼들은 "권은희 출마, 그럼 천정배는?" "권은희 출마 천정배, 기동민 서울 보낼 때 알아봤다", "권은희 출마 새민련 어디로 가나" 등의 다양한 반응을 보였다.



<관련 영문 뉴스>

Police whistleblower in election scandal to run for Assembly seat

A female police officer who blew the whistle on a police attempt to cover up a high-profile election-meddling scandal has been nominated to run in the upcoming parliamentary by-elections, the main opposition party said Wednesday, according to Yonhap News.

Kwon Eun-hee, a former head investigator at a police station in southern Seoul, was tapped to run for a National Assembly seat in the southwestern city of Gwangju on July 30, the New Politics Alliance for Democracy said.

"The truth has not been revealed yet and there still are things to do," Kwon told Yonhap News Agency by phone when asked what drove her to run in the parliamentary race.

Kwon is known for leading the probe into allegations that the country's spy agency tried to sway public opinion in favor of the then ruling party candidate Park Geun-hye in the 2012 presidential election. It was not clear whether the alleged attempt helped Park win the election, according to the report.

In April 2013, Kwon claimed she had been barred by her superiors, including Kim Yong-pan, the then chief of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, from pursuing the case, a charge that sent ripples through political circles and the state intelligence agency, according to the report.

(From news reports)