서울중앙지검 강력부(강해운 부장검사)는 향정신성의약품인 졸피뎀을 투약한 혐의(마약류관리법 위반)로 방송인 에이미(32·본명 이윤지)를 불구속 기소했다고 29일 밝혔다.
검찰에 따르면 이씨는 지난해 11∼12월 서울 서부보호관찰소에서 만난 권모(34·여)씨로부터 4차례에 걸쳐 졸피뎀 85정을 받아 이중 15정을 투약한 혐의를 받고 있다.
이씨는 프로포폴 투약으로 2012년 11월 징역 8월에 집행유예 2년을 선고받고 보호관찰소에서 약물치료 강의를 받던 중에 다시 불법으로 마약류에 손을 댄 것으로 드러났다.
불면증 치료용 수면제로 쓰이는 졸피뎀은 오랫동안 복용하면 환각증세와 같은 부작용이 나타날 수 있어서 의사의 처방 없이 투약해서는 안된다.
검찰은 이씨가 집행유예 기간에 또 범행했지만 지난해 6월부터 정신과에서 처방을 받아 졸피뎀을 복용한 사실이 있는 점, 이씨 모발을 검사한 결과 프로포폴 투약은 중단한 것으로 보이는 점 등을 고려해 불구속 상태로 재판에 넘겼다고 설명했다.
에이미 불구속기소 소식에 네티즌들은 “에이미, 집행유예 기간에 또? 실망이네” “에이미, 이제 제발” “에이미 앞으론 좋은 소식으로 만나요” 등의 반응을 보였다. (onlinenews@heraldcorp.com)
<관련 영문 뉴스>
Propofol scandal celebrity again charged with drug abuse
Prosecutors said on Sunday that they charged television celebrity Lee Yoon-ji, better known by her stage name Amy, of drug abuse while she was on probation period for a similar charge.
The Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office indicted the 32-year-old without detention for an unauthorized intake of Zolpidem pills. The celebrity took 15 pills out of a total of 85 pills that she had received from a female peer whom she met at a probation office late last year. The peer was also charged, prosecutors said.
Zolpidem, an antipsychotic medication used to treat sleeping disorders, can cause serious side effects such as hallucinations, and therefore requires a doctor’s prescription.
“(The office) indicted her without detention because she turned out to have (at least) quit injecting propofol,” the prosecutors’ office stated, referring to Lee’s previous abuse of propofol, another kind of antipsychotic drug.
Back in 2012, Lee was sentenced to a two-year prison term with a stay of eight months on allegations of illegally injecting the psychotropic drug propofol multiple times.
In addition, the prosecutors’ statement pointed out that not all of the Zolpidem pills that the celebrity took were obtained illegally.
“Out of all Zolpidem pills that she took since June last year, only the ones she took from November to December were obtained without a doctor’s prescription,” the prosecutors’ office stated.
Lee, debuted in 2008, has gained popularity through a cable television reality show called “Bad Girls’ Diary.”