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Gone too soon

April 30, 2014 - 20:32 By Korea Herald
Gone too soon
To Poseidon dune
The netherworld of cold cocoons
’twas the break of dawn
When the ship’s alarm
Disturbed the foggy morning calm

Sailing on the Sewol was your final voyage
An overloaded vessel with excess tonnage
With untrained crew devoid of courage
The helms mate lacked experiential knowledge
Guiding the vessel through a treacherous passage
With faulty steering, she could barely manage
Steering the ship from its deadly wreckage

Your smiles we’ll miss
Your memory’s a cherished bliss
Your future’s like a vanishing oasis
No more playful pecks nor kiss
Inexpert sailors’ training remiss
Innocents risked by wanton avarice

Anguished mothers aching for their offspring
Distressed fathers, grief-stricken and mourning
Somber school ground, students’ laughter missing
Sorrowful friends, teary eyes are streaming
Speechless teachers, colleagues and pupils eulogizing
Loved ones’ coping with loss encompassing

At age 18, you’re young at heart
Your youthful prime was about to start
Like tender plants, you had few faults
Alas, your time with us was cut so short
Our lives are shattered by the mariners’ tumult
Hades snatched our sons and daughters for his vault

Gripped with anguished pains we weep
Hearts full of sorrow steals our sleep
Our aching, grieving cries we treat
Soulful, solemn songs and woes bespeak
Our hopes dashed, our strength deplete
Divine solace is our only retreat.

Gone too soon
Accosted by Neptune’s platoon
On a foray through the deep lagoon
Deprived of light from the sun and moon
Amidst dark corridors your remains festooned
Trapped in a submerged metal tomb

By Carlton Forbes

Carlton Forbes currently teaches global English at Pusan National University. He has also authored the forthcoming book “A Few Choice Words.” He can be reached at ― Ed.