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‘무인기 북한 소행 확실’

April 11, 2014 - 16:02 By 송상호
국방부는 11일 경기도 파주와 서해 백령도, 강원도 삼척에서 발견된 소형 무인기가 북한이 보낸 것이 “확실”하다는 중앙합동조사단의 중간조사 결과를 발표했다. 국방부는 “그 동안 비행체 특성과 탑재장비에 대한 합동조사 결과 북한의 소행으로 확실시되는 정황 증거를 다수 식별했다”고 밝혔다.

그러나 무인기 이륙 장소, 이동경로 등이 입력됐을 것으로 보이는 ‘임무명령’ 메모리 칩과 GPS 좌표 분석을 하지 못해 북한 소행임을 최종적으로 밝혀내지는 못했다. 당국은 앞으로 한국과 미국 민간전문가를 포함하는 과학수사팀을 구성해서 추가 조사를 진행하게 된다.
국방부는 파주 무인기는 1번 국도에서 북→남→북 방향으로 비행했고, 백령도 무인기는 소청도→대청도 방향으로 비행하는 등 다수 군사시설이 밀집된 지역 상공을 이동하면서 촬영했다고 밝혔다.

또한 3대의 무인기는 한국과 미국, 일본, 중국, 체코 등 여러 나라의 상용부품으로 제작된 것으로 드러났고, 시장에서 구매하기 쉬운 이들 상용품은 엔진과 카메라, 컴퓨터 칩 등 무인기의 핵심장치에 들어 있다. 부품 일부의 모델명은 추적을 못 하도록 고의로 훼손한 것으로 밝혀졌다. 국방부는 이를 북한 소행으로 확실시되는 유력한 근거 중 하나로 제시했다.

국방부는 또한 연료통 크기와 엔진 배기량, 촬영된 사진으로 미뤄 무인기 항속거리는 최저 180㎞에서 최고 300여㎞ 정도이기 때문에 중국과 일본 등 주변국에서 보냈을 가능성이 사실상 없다고 밝혔다.

무인기 동체의 위장 도색 색깔과 모양이 2012년 4월15일 김일성 생일 열병식과 2013년 3월25일 김정은 국방위 제1위원장의 1501 군부대 방문 보도 사진에 나타난 무인기와 매우 유사하다는 것도 북한 제품으로 추정하는 근거가 됐다.

(코리아헤럴드 송상호 기자

<관련 영문 기사>

Seoul certain that crashed drones came from N.K.

Investigation team fails to find ‘smoking gun,’ plans to conduct additional probe

Seoul’s Defense Ministry said Friday that the three drones, recently found in frontline regions, were “definitely” from North Korea, citing circumstantial evidence including their filming of South Korean military facilities.

Announcing the interim result of their probe, the ministry also said that it would form a scientific investigation team with civilian experts from Korea and the U.S. to confirm Pyongyang’s responsibility for sending the drones.

“Based on circumstantial evidence, the drones were definitely from the North. But for a clearer verification of the North’s responsibility, we need an additional scientific, technical investigation,” Kim Min-seok told reporters during a press conference.

The military authorities have discovered three drones so far in Paju close to the western Demilitarized Zone on March 24, on the border island of Baengnyeongdo on March 31 and in Samcheok close to the eastern DMZ last Sunday.

The authorities now plan to verify that the drones had come from the North, by analyzing data from memory chips containing “mission orders” and from the drones’ global positioning systems, which are expected to confirm where they took off and which routes they used to enter the South’s airspace.

The analysis process is expected to take one or two months, Seoul officials said.

One piece of circumstantial evidence was that the drones hovered around and filmed areas where South Korea’s military facilities were concentrated. They also found six fingerprints on the drones that didn’t match any on the registry of South Korean residents.

The ministry also said that given the size of fuel containers, engine displacement volume and other factors, the drones were capable of traveling between 180 km and 300 km, which made it “virtually impossible” for the drones to have come from China or Japan.

“Considering the weather conditions during their flights and the drones’ operational ranges, we judged that China or Japan couldn’t send the drones here,” said Kim. “On top of it, the drones are also totally different from unmanned aerial vehicles that South Korean civilians or military units have operated.”

The ministry also said that the drones contained components that were made in Korea, the U.S., Japan, China, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. The parts were all commercial items easily available in the general market.

It pointed out that model numbers of some components were intentionally deleted, a sign that the operators of the drones sought to conceal their origins.

The ministry also said that the camouflage color and patterns were “very similar” to the drones that the communist state revealed during a massive military parade on April 15, 2012, and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s visit to a military base on March 25, 2013.

Seoul is seeking to deal with this drone case in cooperation with the international community, as Pyongyang is likely to proliferate and export military drones, which would extend the security threat to the entire world.

Should it be confirmed that the drones illegally entered South Korea’s airspace, Seoul is poised to take “all measures available” including filing a complaint with the U.N. Command Military Armistice Commission for violating the Armistice Agreement.

“If North Korea is ultimately confirmed to be responsible for sending the drones, this would be a grave provocation and our military would strongly respond to that,” the ministry spokesperson said.

By Song Sang-ho (