베트남 당국이 말레이시아 쿠알라룸푸르 에서 중국 베이징으로 향하던 중 실종된 말레이시아 항공 여객기의 문짝으로 추정되는 물체를 9일(현지시간) 발견했다고 AP통신이 보도했다.
실종 여객기가 레이더에서 갑자기 사라진 베트남 남부 해역 인근을 중심으로 수색 중인 베트남군은 이날 저공비행을 하다 베트남 남단 토쭈 섬 남쪽 90㎞ 지점에서 문짝 추정 물체를 발견했다고 베트남 국영신문이 전했다.
Photo shows an aerial view of an oil slick seen from a Vietnamese military helicopter at the search area for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight about 300 kilometers southwest of Ca Mau Cape, Vietnam. (Xinhua-yonhap)
문짝 추정 물체가 발견된 곳은 지난 8일 베트남 당국이 해상에서 기름띠를 발견 한 곳과도 일치한다. 베트남 당국은 남단 까마우와 토쭈 섬에서 각각 150㎞, 190㎞ 떨어진 해상 기름띠를 주목, 부근 해역을 중심으로 집중적인 수색을 벌여왔다.
베트남군 관계자는 "이 물체를 계기로 실종기를 찾을 수 있기를 기대한다"며 해 경선박이 해당지점으로 향하고 있다고 말했다.
앞서 말레이시아 관리들은 항공기 34대와 선박 40척을 투입해 수색작업을 벌였지만, 여객기 잔해를 전혀 발견하지 못했다고 밝혔다.
여객기 사고 원인을 조사하는 말레이시아 당국은 여객기가 공중 분해했을 가능 성에 초점을 맞춰 수사를 진행 중이라고 고위 소식통이 말했다.
수사에 관계한 이 소식통은 "지금까지 어떤 잔해도 발견할 수 없었던 사실은 사 고기가 약 3만4천 피트 상공에서 분해됐을 가능성이 크다는 것을 보여준다"고 지적 했다.
여객기 실종 해역 인근인 베트남과 말레이시아를 비롯해 태국, 인도네시아, 호주, 싱가포르, 필리핀, 중국, 미국 등 9개국이 실종 여객기 수색 작업을 벌이고 있다.
말레이시아와 미 연방수사국(FBI) 등은 실종 여객기의 탑승객 4명이 도난•위조 여권을 사용한 것으로 파악하고 테러 가능성에 무게를 두고 수사를 벌이고 있다.
이들 혐의자 중에는 이탈리아인과 오스트리아인이 태국에서 도난 당한 여권을 소 지한 2명도 포함돼 있는 것으로 파악됐다.
신원이 확인되지 않은 이들 두 사람은 지난 6일 도난 여권의 주인인 이탈리아인 과 오스트리아인의 이름으로 비행기 티켓을 예매했으며 말레이시아항공과 코드셰어(공동운항)를 하는 중국 남방항공을 통해 태국 파타야에서 발권했다고 AFP통신이 비행정보를 확인해 보도했다.
두 사람의 비행기 e-티켓 발권 번호는 연속 번호였으며, 모두 태국 화폐인 바트 화로 결제됐다. 각 티켓 가격은 2만215 바트(625달러)였다.
이들 두 사람은 쿠알라룸푸르를 출발해 실종 여객기의 착륙지인 베이징에서 다시 KLM 항공으로 네덜란드 암스테르담까지 이동하려 한 것으로 항공권 상에서 확인 됐다. 암스테르담으로 이동한 뒤에 한 사람은 독일 프랑크푸르트로, 다른 한 사람은 덴마크 코펜하겐을 최종 목적지로 예약했다.
인터폴은 비행기 탑승과 관련한 모든 서류를 검토한 결과 이들 두 사람이 사용 한 여권 외에도 의심스러운 여권을 추가로 발견해 수사 중이라고 로이터통신은 전했다.
승객과 승무원 239명을 태운 말레이시아 항공 소속 보잉 777-200 여객기는 8일 0시41분(현지시간) 말레이시아 쿠알라룸푸르를 이륙, 오전 6시30분 베이징에 도착할 예정이었으나 이륙 2시간 뒤 통신이 두절되고 레이더상에서 사라졌다. (연합)
<관련 영문 기사>
Vietnam says it may have found missing jet's door
Vietnamese aircraft spotted what they suspected was one of the doors of a missing Boeing 777 on Sunday, while troubling questions emerged about how two passengers managed to board the ill-fated aircraft using stolen passports.
Interpol confirmed it knew about the stolen passports but said no authorities checked its vast databases on stolen documents before the Boeing jetliner departed Saturday en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
Warning “only a handful of countries” routinely make such checks, Interpol secretary general Ronald Noble chided authorities for “waiting for a tragedy to put prudent security measures in place at borders and boarding gates.”
More than two days after Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 went missing, the final minutes before its disappearance remained a mystery. The plane lost contact with ground controllers somewhere between Malaysia and Vietnam.
However, searchers in a low-flying plane spotted an object that appeared to be one of the plane's doors, the state-run Thanh Nien newspaper said, citing the deputy chief of staff of Vietnam's army, Lt. Gen. Vo Van Tuan.
Two ships from the maritime police were headed to the site in waters about 60 miles (90 kilometers) south of Tho Chu island, in the same area where oil slicks were spotted Saturday.
“From this object, hopefully (we) will find the missing plane,” Tuan said.
The missing jetliner apparently fell from the sky at cruising altitude in fine weather, and the pilots were either unable or had no time to send a distress signal _ unusual circumstances under which a modern jetliner operated by a professional airline would crash.
Authorities were checking on the identities of the two passengers who boarded the plane with stolen passports. On Saturday, the foreign ministries in Italy and Austria said the names of two citizens listed on the flight's manifest matched the names on two passports reported stolen in Thailand.
“I can confirm that we have the visuals of these two people on CCTV,” Malaysian Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said at a news conference late Sunday, adding that the footage was being examined. “We have intelligence agencies, both local and international, on board.”
The thefts of the two passports _ one belonging to Austrian Christian Kozel and the other to Luigi Maraldi of Italy _ were entered into Interpol's database after they were stolen in Thailand in 2012 and last year, the police body said. But no authorities in Malaysia or elsewhere checked the passports against the database of 40 million stolen or lost travel documents before the Malaysian Airlines plane took off.
In a forceful statement, the Interpol chief, who has called passport fraud one of the world's greatest threats, said he hoped “that governments and airlines worldwide will learn from the tragedy.”
“Now, we have a real case where the world is speculating whether the stolen passport holders were terrorists,” Noble said. “Interpol is asking why only a handful of countries worldwide are taking care to make sure that persons possessing stolen passports are not boarding international flights.”
Troubling details also emerged Sunday about the itineraries of the two passengers traveling on the stolen passports.
A telephone operator on a China-based KLM hotline confirmed Sunday that passengers named Maraldi and Kozel had been booked on one-way tickets on the same KLM flight, flying from Beijing to Amsterdam on Saturday. Maraldi was to fly on to Copenhagen, Denmark, and Kozel to Frankfurt, Germany.
She said the pair booked the tickets through China Southern Airlines, but she had no information on where they bought them.
As holders of EU passports with onward flights to Europe, the passengers would not have needed visas for China.
Interpol said it and national investigators were working to determine the true identities of those who used the stolen passports to board the Malaysia Airlines flight. White House Deputy National Security Adviser Tony Blinken said the U.S. was looking into the stolen passports, but that investigators had reached no conclusions.
Interpol has long sounded the alarm that growing international travel has underpinned a new market for identity theft: Bogus passports have lured illegal immigrants, terrorists, drug runners, pretty much anyone looking to travel unnoticed. More than 1 billion times last year, travelers boarded planes without their passports being checked against Interpol's database of 40 million stolen or lost travel documents, the police agency said.
In addition to the plane's sudden disappearance, which experts said was consistent with a possible onboard explosion, the stolen passports strengthened concerns about terrorism as a possible cause. Al-Qaida militants have used similar tactics to try to disguise their identities.
Still, other possible causes included a catastrophic failure of the plane's engines, extreme turbulence, or pilot error or even suicide. Establishing what happened with any certainty will need data from flight recorders and a detailed examination of any debris, something that will take months if not years.
Malaysia's air force chief, Rodzali Daud, said radar indicated that before it disappeared, the plane may have turned back, but there were no further details on which direction it went or how far it veered off course.
“We are trying to make sense of this,” Daud said at a news conference. “The military radar indicated that the aircraft may have made a turn back, and in some parts this was corroborated by civilian radar.”
Malaysia Airlines Chief Executive Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said pilots are supposed to inform the airline and traffic control authorities if the plane does a U-turn. “From what we have, there was no such distress signal or distress call per se, so we are equally puzzled,” he said.
A total of 34 aircraft and 40 ships from Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, China and the United States were deployed to the area where ground controllers lost contact with the plane, the maritime border between Malaysia and Vietnam.
Of the 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board, two-thirds were Chinese, while the rest were from elsewhere in Asia, Europe and North America, including three Americans.
Family members of Philip Wood, a 50-year-old IBM executive who was on board the plane, said they saw him a week ago when he visited them in Texas after relocating to Kuala Lumpur from Beijing, where he had worked for two years.
"There is a shock, a very surreal moment in your life," said Wood's brother, James Wood. "With a situation like this, when a plane just disappears ... it leaves you with a lot of questions."
The other two Americans were identified on the passenger manifest as 4-year-old Nicole Meng and 2-year-old Yan Zhang. It was not known with whom they were traveling.
After more than 30 hours without contact with the aircraft, Malaysia Airlines told family members they should “prepare themselves for the worst,” Hugh Dunleavy, the commercial director for the airline, told reporters.
Finding traces of an aircraft that disappears over sea can take days or longer, even with a sustained search effort. Depending on the circumstances of the crash, wreckage can be scattered over many square kilometers (miles). If the plane enters the water before breaking up, there can be relatively little debris.
A team of American experts was en route to Asia to be ready to assist in the investigation into the crash. The team includes accident investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board, as well as technical experts from the Federal Aviation Administration and Boeing, the safety board said in a statement.
Malaysia Airlines has a good safety record, as does the 777, which had not had a fatal crash in its 19-year history until an Asiana Airlines plane crashed last July in San Francisco, killing three passengers, all Chinese teenagers. (AP)