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Samsung's TV sales hit record high in Q4

Feb. 23, 2014 - 13:12 By 신용배

South Korean tech giant Samsung Electronics Co. saw its quarterly TV sales hit a record high during the preceding quarter on the back of rising demand for premium TV sets, data showed Sunday.

Samsung, the world's largest flat TV maker, is estimated to have sold some 16.11 million units of flat-panel TVs during the October-December period, a record high on a quarterly basis, according to the data compiled by market researcher DisplaySearch.

Samsung's market share stood at 28.3 percent during the fourth quarter of last year, with its presence on a annual basis reaching 26.8 percent last year, the data showed.

DisplaySearch earlier estimated Samsung's TV sales at 32.3 million units in the January-September period of last year.

LG Electronics Inc. came in second with a market share of 15.3 percent, followed by Sony Corp. of Japan with 7.5 percent and HiSense Electric Co. of China with 5.2 percent, according to the data. (Yonhap)