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N. Korean Embassy in Beijing holds memorial for late leader

Dec. 17, 2013 - 13:11 By 윤민식
Hundreds of North Koreans gathered at the North Korean Embassy in Beijing to commemorate the second death anniversary of the father of leader Kim Jong-un, days after the shocking execution of Kim's uncle.

Mostly dressed in black suits and overcoats, North Koreans carrying chrysanthemums were seen entering the embassy building Tuesday morning. Kim's father, Kim Jong-il, died on Dec. 17, 2011, and the current leader took power, marking the North's second dynastic succession.

The second anniversary of the death of Kim Jong-il came five days after the younger Kim, believed to be around 30, executed his once-powerful uncle, Jang Song-thaek, on charges of treason, corruption and others. It has raised fears in South Korea over possible provocations by the unpredictable Pyongyang regime.

In front of the embassy, a North Korean man, who declined to give his name but is believed to be an embassy official, spoke to Yonhap News Agency and referred to Jang as a "traitor."

"If Marshal Kim Jong-un stays with us, we will live well in the future and there will be no problem for us to build a strong and prosperous nation," he said.

The execution of Jang "has nothing to do with us," he added.

The Kim family has governed the reclusive country for more than six decades. (Yonhap News)