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문재인 “청와대, 대선 공정성에 컴플렉스 있나”-연일 강공

Dec. 2, 2013 - 15:58 By 윤민식

민주당 문재인 의원 (연합뉴스)

민주당 문재인 의원이 2일 “새누리당과 청와대가 지난 대선의 불공정성에 대해 일종의 ‘컴플렉스’ 같은 게 있는 것 같다”고 주장했다.

문 의원은 이날 여의도 한 식당에서 기자들과 만나 “지금 대선 불복을 누가 말하나. 지금 새누리당과 청와대가 ‘불복, 불복’ 하고 있는 것 아니냐”며 이같이 말했다.

그는 국가정보원 등 국가기관의 대선 개입 논란에 대해서도 “드러난 사실을 있는 그대로 받아들이고 그것에 대해 앞으로 그런 일이 다시는 생기지 않도록 제대로 조치를 취하겠다는 진정성을 보여주면 문제가 풀린다”며 “그것이 그렇게 풀지 못할 문제냐”고 지적했다.

그는 또 ‘차기 대선 출마 의사를 밝힌 것이 너무 이르다’는 지적에 대해선 “사실 나도 이르다고 생각한다”고 말했다. 지난달 29일 기자단과 만난 것이 ‘대선 출마 시사’로 보도된 것이 ‘다소 앞질러 갔다’는 주장을 우회적으로 표현한 것이다. 문 의원은 이어 “2017년 대선 관련해서 새누리당이 때 이르다고 말하는 것도 그런 (대선) 콤플렉스 아닌가 싶다”고 이었다.

문 의원은 이어 최근 정부의 ‘종북’ 비판에 대해서도 “나라와 국민을 분열시키고 대결하게 드는 완전한 증오의 정치다. 공존을 거부하는 것이다”며 “빨갱이하고 같이 할 수 있겠나. 대한민국 절반 정도가 종북이라는 게 말이 되나요”라고 반문했다.

문 의원은 ‘대선개입 사건의 법원판단을 기다려보자’는 청와대측 반박에 대해서도 “법원 판단이 문제가 된다면 국가정보원 개혁은 왜 하자는 것이냐. 대선 개입 사건이 사실로 드러났기 때문에 국정원 개혁안을 내겠다고 하는 것 아니냐”고 반박했다. (홍석희, 이정아 기자)


<관련 영문 기사>

Assertive Moon reignites factional struggle in Democratic Party

By Choi He-suk

Former Democratic Party presidential candidate Rep. Moon Jae-in is once again causing ripples in and outside the party by hinting at his resurgent political ambition.

Speaking with reporters on Friday, Moon implied that it would be possible for him to run in the 2017 presidential election.

In a press release about his upcoming book, Moon sharply criticized President Park Geun-hye and the ruling Saenuri Party regarding the on-going dispute over state agencies’ alleged meddling in last year’s presidential election.

“There must be an administration change in 2017. I should also contribute to that. I think that the role I play is up to the public,” Moon said on Friday.

“It is true that I was unprepared, and so was the party. Now, (I) will make preparations systematically.”

Moon also said that there were many others including independent Rep. Ahn Cheol-soo and Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon who could represent the opposition bloc in the next presidential election.

Although Moon left room for interpretation, his comments are stirring hopes and concerns for a revival of the pro-Roh Moo-hyun faction.

Although the faction held sway in the party for a number of years, it was pushed to the back burner in the run up to the Dec. 19 presidential election over concerns that Moon’s ties to the late former president were keeping moderate voters at bay.

Since then, the faction has been pushed into an increasingly tight corner. No lawmaker with ties to the faction succeeded in gaining seats on the supreme council in last year’s leadership race. However, the party’s current predicament has been partially laid at the feet of the pro-Roh faction with critics saying that hardliners within the party continue to have too much influence.

Regardless of the intentions of Moon and the faction, the comments have incited strong criticism, even from within the DP.

“Rep. Moon should take responsibility for what he promised instead of making trouble for the DP,” Rep. Cho Kyoung-tae said, referring to Moon’s repeated statement that he will take responsibility if any illegal actions are found to have been taken with regards to the 2007 inter-Korean summit transcript. Cho, a third term lawmaker from Busan, is one of the most outspoken critics of the DP’s pro-Roh faction.

As for how he thought Moon should take responsibility, Cho said that Moon should decide on his action but that it could be “more than” resigning his parliamentary seat.

Cho also indirectly blamed the pro-Roh faction and Moon for the DP’s declining support rate. Saying that he believed that hardliners taking power would lead to the downfall of the country, Cho said that the DP’s hardliners have “moved against the will of the people and amplified (people’s) disappointment in the DP.”
