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Troubled N. Korean fishing boat rescued in S. Korean waters

Oct. 27, 2013 - 13:36 By KH디지털2

A drifting North Korean fishing boat was rescued by South Korea's Navy and Coast Guard in the East Sea on Saturday and sent back to the North the next day in accordance with the seamen's wishes, military and police officials here said.

"One North Korean fishing boat troubled by its mechanical failure was towed to the waters off the South Korean port of Geojin on Saturday. It was sent back to North Korea at 9:48 a.m. Sunday without repairs, after authorities found that its sailors have no intention to defect," a military official said.

Four North Koreans were aboard the troubled ship that crossed into South Korean waters at around 9:40 a.m. Saturday after developing an engine failure, he added.

In the process of the repatriation of the ship, the North's military showed no particular movement, he noted. (Yonhap News)