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Korea, Peru celebrate 50 years of diplomatic ties

July 29, 2013 - 19:32 By Korea Herald
Amb. Jaime Pomareda
“From this moment on, Peru is free and independent, by the general will of the people and the justice of its cause that God defends. Long live the homeland! Long live freedom! Long live our independence!”

Those were the words that sealed the independence of Peru on July 28, 1821. Since that day, 192 years have passed and we celebrate them with pride, looking back on what we have achieved as an independent republic, and also with hope at what we still need to achieve in order to offer the best to our people.

Also this year, Peru and Korea celebrate an important moment in their contemporary history: the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Even though Korea is not a neighboring country and it is not part of the integration processes in our region, this achievement has a special meaning because of Korea’s participation in economic forums such as APEC, its interest in regional projects such as the Pacific Alliance, and its determination to link with our country to enrich the bilateral agenda at a preferential political level. We not only seized the opportunities of our free trade agreement sealed in 2011, but we are also subscribed to a comprehensive strategic partnership on May 10, 2012.

As you can imagine, over the last 50 years Peru and Korea have explored many aspects of cooperation. This year, the Embassy of Peru decided to celebrate our Independence Day with a special exhibition of traditional food, helping the Koreans to explore and understand the most human aspect of any country: its food. Just to briefly mention what Peruvian food is like, Peru was named “Gastronomic Capital of Latin America” in 2012 and this year, we were also awarded as “South America’s Leading Culinary Destination.”

We are hosting a Peruvian Food Festival at the Hyatt Hotel from July 30 to Aug. 11, and what we want to demonstrate is that we are also linked by our food, by our way of living.

Our country enjoys the blessing of facing the sea and enjoys its unlimited and unbelievable products. We also learned how to capture the richness of our nature and transform it using delicious food and spices, we share the love for rice and soups in our foods, and especially, we are lovers of a well-served table.

Our festival will show you that it is possible to find a taste of Peru in every taste of Korea. We may be far away from each other on the map, but we could be closer than ever on the table.

By Jaime Pomareda, Ambassador of Peru