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Seoul Metropolitan Government to test run dog park

May 14, 2013 - 15:06 By Korea Herald

The Seoul Metropolitan Government announced on Monday that it would test-run a dog park inside Seoul Children’s Grand Park in July.

The area will be created near the park’s Guui entrance, a five-minute walk from the parking lot and an area that has much greenery.

The city plans to install a separate toilet area for dogs and maintain its sanitary conditions through frequent cleaning and sterilization.

“We chose Children’s Grand Park (as the place to trial the idea) considering various conditions including accessibility, eco-friendly environment, sanitation level and public poll results,” said Kim Kyung-ho, a city government official.

Seoul government conducted a survey on some 1,000 park visitors from March to April on whether it is necessary to create a dog park. Two-thirds of the respondents said it was needed.

By Park Sui, Intern reporter