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Dutch Embassy honors last Queen

May 5, 2013 - 19:49 By Korea Herald
Guests watch the ceremony of Queen Beatrix’s abdication and the coronation of Crown-Prince Willem-Alexander on big video screens erected in the garden of the residence of Dutch Ambasador to Korea Paul Menkveld in Seoul on Tuesday. (Philip Iglauer/The Korea Herald)
Dutch Ambassador to Korea Paul Menkveld commemorated Queen’s Day and the coronation of a new king with the hosting of a reception at his residence in Seoul on Tuesday.

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, the oldest reigning Dutch monarch, abdicated the throne to her son Crown-Prince Willem-Alexander at Dam Square in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on the day.

Tying in with her 75th birthday, the abdication and coronation in Amsterdam’s central square was marked by revelry across the country with the Dutch throwing street parties and parades. Guests watched the ceremony unfold in Europe on huge video screens in the garden of the residence.

“Today is a special occasion because of the abdication of the queen and investiture of the new king. The queen decided to abdicate after 33 years on the throne. We thank her and welcome our new King Willem-Alexander,” Menkveld said in welcome remarks during the reception.

The embassy is also hosting a Facebook contest to name a new tulip cultivar, created by a professional grower in Holland. The Dutch Embassy in Korea has received special permission to name the cultivar through the contest as a way to enhance Dutch-Korean relations. The tulip is the country’s national flower.

The embassy will announce the winner, who will win receive two round-trip tickets to Holland, before May 26. The embassy will accept proposed names until May 20.

Participants can propose a name only through the embassy’s April 12 Facebook post. For more information, go to the Embassy of Netherlands’ Facebook page at
