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DUP proposes talks with Park over Gaeseong

April 29, 2013 - 20:14 By Korea Herald
Democratic United Party leader Moon Hee-sang on Monday proposed talks with President Park Geun-hye and his ruling Saenuri Party counterpart Hwang Woo-yea before this weekend over the suspended inter-Korean Gaeseong industrial complex.

“Gaeseong industrial complex is a symbol of inter-Korean peace and reconciliation and the last remaining dialogue channel at present,” Moon said in a press conference at the National Assembly.

“It is more important than anything to maintain the industrial park and we must prevent its shutdown no matter what,” the main opposition party’s interim chairman said.

Moon’s proposal came after the Seoul government decided Sunday to pull out all the remaining workers in the border town located in the North as the two Koreas’ security standoff continued.

The complex that opened in 2004 had been considered the last remaining symbol of inter-Korean cooperation.

North Korea pulled out all of its workers earlier this month in protest against joint South Korea-U.S. military exercises and as part of its escalated saber-rattling against Seoul and Washington.

“A shutdown of Gaeseong complex would be an irrecoverable disaster for the people of both Koreas,” Moon said.

He specifically suggested that the leadership talks be held before the slated summit meeting between Park and U.S. President Barack Obama on May 7, which he said would be an “important watershed moment” for not only the Gaeseong problem but also the peace of the Korean Peninsula and the improvement of inter-Korean relations. Park leaves for the U.S. on Sunday.

Moon also urged the North to respond to Seoul’s calls for dialogue and promised the opposition party’s cooperation in solving the Gaeseong complex issue.

By Lee Joo-hee (