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Court rules emergency decrees 1,2,9 unconstitutional

March 21, 2013 - 14:57 By 박한나

In a landmark ruling, the Constitutional Court on Thursday declared a series of emergency decrees based on the Yushin Constitution, which was declared by the military regime of the late President Park Chung-hee in 1970s in an attempt to remain in power, as unconstitutional.

Park, who ruled the nation from 1961-1979 after seizing power in a military coup, introduced a new constitution, known as the Yushin (revitalizing reform) Constitution. The father of incumbent President Park Geun-hye then proclaimed a number of presidential emergency decrees, which empowered him to take extraordinary measures in time of national crisis and banned all activities opposing or slandering the Yushin Constitution as well as any press reports on those activities.

In a unanimous decision, the court ruled the emergency decrees No. 1, 2, and 9 as unconstitutional.

The court, however, did not judge constitutionality of the Yushin Constitution, as it was just a ground for the decrees. (Yonhap News)