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Prosecutors demand death penalty for child rapist

Jan. 10, 2013 - 19:24 By Korea Herald
Prosecutors demanded capital punishment Thursday for a man accused of kidnapping and raping a 7-year-old girl in the latest child sex crime to spark public outrage.

The 23-year-old suspect surnamed Ko was arrested for allegedly abducting the victim while she was sleeping at her home in Naju, South Jeolla Province, and raping her under a bridge near her house. The accused is also believed to have attempted to kill the victim by choking her.

The Gwangju District Prosecutors’ Office said that the suspect “not only damaged the victim physically, but emotionally and mentally,” demanding the death penalty to issue a wake-up call to end the “most serious crimes.”

The prosecution also requested the 23-year-old be subject to chemical castration for 15 years and wear an electronic monitoring anklet for 30 years. Gwangju District Court is to hold his trial on Jan. 31.

By Oh Kyu-wook (