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No presidential pardon for Christmas: official

Dec. 10, 2012 - 20:43 By Korea Herald
President Lee Myung-bak will not issue any presidential pardons this Christmas season, an official said Monday, amid opposition party allegations that he might grant amnesty to close aides and relatives.

“There is no preparation underway” to grant amnesty, a presidential official told reporters in response to a question whether the office is making preparations for a Christmas pardon.

“That’s not even physically possible.”

The official added, however, that it is difficult to say definitely that there will not be any pardons before Lee’s term ends in February.

The main opposition Democratic United Party has demanded the presidential office clarify its stance, citing what it calls “rumors” that Lee could pardon aides and relatives on corruption trials, including close confidant Choi See-joong. (Yonhap News)