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Park GH’s campaign back on track after key members clash

Oct. 10, 2012 - 20:11 By Korea Herald
Saenuri Party presidential candidate Park Geun-hye’s campaign is regaining stability after feuding advisers returnd to work.

On Wednesday, chairman of the Park camp’s Political Reform Committee Ahn Dai-hee followed in the steps of Committee to Pursue People’s Happiness chairman Kim Chong-in and returned to work.

However, with Ahn standing firm behind the ultimatum that he will resign if Han Gwang-ok is appointed the head of the committee for achieving social unity, Park is not yet home-free.

In addition to the troubles within her camp, former Saenuri Party lawmaker Hong Sa-duk’s involvement in a bribery case could damage Park’s image.

Hong, who was considered a valuable asset to Park’s campaign, has been accused of taking bribes from a businessman, and the prosecutors are set to summon him for questioning.

“At present that is the case, (the issue) will be discussed with the committee members once again,” Ahn said in response to questions about whether his position on Han remains the same. He added that his opinion on Han has been conveyed to Park “through diverse routes,” and that he expects her to make a number of changes in light of his suggestions.

Han is one of late former President Kim Dae-jung’s closest allies and until recently held one of the most senior positions within the Democratic United Party. However, on Oct. 5, Han announced that he was joining the ruling party despite his vehement criticism of both Park and the Saenuri Party in the past, saying that he was upholding Kim’s beliefs.

While Han’s move over to the Saenuri Party was seen by some, including Park’s communications chief Lee Jung-hyun, as a positive development, the view was not shared by Ahn, who has had a run in with Han before. In 2003, Ahn headed the investigation into Han’s bribery case as the chief of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office’s central investigation division. Campaign officials are reported to have been unaware of the connection between Ahn and Han.

“I have not changed my position, and told (Park) about what is right and wrong. I said that his (Han) role is not helpful to the candidate and suggested that it (developments regarding Han) may conflict with the work on reform.”

With the situation as it stands, Park and her aides are said to be considering a number of alternatives including the presidential candidate taking on the responsibilities of the role offered to Han herself.

As for Han, a number of alternative posts including that of an advisor to the social unity committee are said to be under discussion.

While the Ahn-Han situation continues without resolution, the friction between Kim Chong-in and Saenuri Party floor leader Lee Hahn-koo appears likely to have been played out to a stable conclusion.

Kim had called for Lee’s removal after the two clashed over economic reform policies, and had stopped performing his duties from Oct. 5.

According to former member of the ruling party’s emergency committee Lee Jun-seok, Kim changed his position after an hour-long meeting with Park on Tuesday.

Lee said that Kim was convinced of Park’s will to achieve economic democratization, and that Park promised the former academic she would ensure that Lee Hahn-koo does not meddle in related matters.

By Choi He-suk  (