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Free health checks offered in Itaewon

Sept. 11, 2012 - 20:43 By Korea Herald
Yongsan Community Health Center will run free health checks for foreigners at Itaewon Global Village Center on Sept. 18.

The tests include blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol measurements, as well as levels of bodily muscle and fat and a BMI calculation.

In addition, a dietician and a sports physiotherapist will be available to give exercise and eating recommendations.

The tests take place from 10 a.m. to noon. Reservation is not required.

To get to the center, leave Itaewon Station, Exit 2, and walk straight for 200 meters. The center is on the fifth floor of Hannam Building, above Foccacia restaurant.

For information, contact or call 02-2199-8884.
