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Irish Association of Korea to hold annual Ceili

Sept. 11, 2012 - 20:43 By Korea Herald
The Irish Association Korea is hosting its annual Irish Ceili at D-Cube Plaza in Sindorim on Saturday.

The event will feature live music from a traditional Irish band and dancing performances from professional Irish troupe Tap Pung.

But the main feature will be dancing that everyone can get involved in. IAK’s Shauna Browne says that the organizers will ensure that the steps are easy to follow, and will demonstrate the dances before coming off stage to help people join in.

“There’s lots of volunteers who do Irish dancing who will help you out when you get into a group, so just come out and have a bit of fun,” she said. “It’s family-oriented as well so bring your children.”

“People don’t need to worry if they’ve never done Irish dancing before. The whole point is just to come out and try it.”

The event will run from 1-5 p.m. and will also offer face painting and balloons for children who attend. Participation is free. For more information contact or visit the IAK website.
