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S.C. woman sentenced to read Bible

July 2, 2012 - 11:34 By 윤민식

A South Carolina judge sentenced a woman to read the Bible as part of her sentence for severely injuring two men in a drunken driving accident.

Circuit Court Judge Michael Nettles sentenced Cassandra Belle Tolley of Rock Hill to eight years in jail followed by five years of probation and substance abuse counseling, as well as reading the book of Job in the Old Testament and writing a summary, The Rock Hill Herald reported Sunday.

On Nov. 12, Tolley drove down the wrong lane on Porter Road in Rock Hill and crashed into a vehicle, severely injuring two men.

When Tolley was breathalyzed at the scene, her blood alcohol level was 0.333 percent -- more than four times the legal limit, the York County solicitor's office said.

Ordering someone to read the Bible is a rare sentence, legal experts say.

"Under normal circumstances, the judge wouldn't have the authority to do that. You can't just arbitrarily add anything you want to a sentence," said Kenneth Gaines, a University of South Carolina professor of law specializing in civil and criminal litigation. "But if she consented, it's really not an issue. It's critical that the defendant was in entire agreement with it."

Tolley's attorney, Amy Sikora, a York County public defender, said Tolley is happy with the agreement and has already started the assignment. (AP)

<관련 한글 기사>

음주운전한 여성, ‘성스러운’ 처벌 받아

미국에서 지방법원이 음주운전을 하다가 역주행하여 사고를 낸 여성에게 징역형과 더불어 성경책을 읽도록 선고를 내려 화제가 되고 있다.

현지언론이 1일(현지시간) 보도한 바에 따르면 사우스 캐롤라이나 록힐 출신의 카산드라 벨 톨리는 재판에서 징역 8년, 보호관찰 기간 5년을 약물 남용 상담과 더불어 구약성서의 욥기를 읽고 요약할 것을 선고받았다고 한다.

톨리는 지난해 11월, 반대 차로를 주행하다가 다른 차량과 충돌, 두 사람에게 부상을 입혔다. 당시 톨리의 혈중 알코올 농도는 0.333으로, 법정 허용치의 네 배에 달했다.

법률 전문가들은 “성경을 읽도록 하는 등의 행위를 선고에 임의대로 추가하는 것은 드문 일이고 판사의 권한에 속하지 않지만, 피고가 동의했다면 문제가 없다”라고 설명했다.

톨리의 변호를 맡은 국선 변호인 에이미 시코라는 톨리가 ‘성경읽기’ 선고를 기꺼이 받아들였으며, 벌써 ‘과제’를 시작했다고 밝혔다.