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Mother devoting herself for saving her daughter

June 15, 2012 - 16:10 By Korea Herald
Sharmila Collins, 43, has cradled her eldest daughter only once since her birth.

Collins’ nine-year-old daughter, Sohana, suffers from a rare skin disease called Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, or RDEB.

“I can’t do anything to protect her; it’s heartbreaking,” Collins said.

At the slightest touch, her daughter’s skin can break out into third-degree burns with blisters, peeling and red wounds. In addition, RDEB can also lead to maliginant skin cancer. Nine-year-old Sohana cannot have a normal life like her peers.

Therefore, Collins began carrying on a mission to keep her daughter: raising 5 million pounds to fund research for RDEB and find a cure.

“I decided I couldn’t just sit there waiting for this to happen. I had to make it happen,” Collins said. “I had to do something.”

She screened a documentary on her daughter’s disease at her school for other parents.

“When I looked up the other parents were (sitting) in stunned silence,” she said.

Later, Collins and her husband held a fundraising dinner at which they received a lot of support from others, including top supermodel Kate Moss and actor Damian Lewis.

After the dinner, the Collins were invited to a charity reception by Samantha Cameron, wife of the U.K. Prime Minister.

Now they have raised over one million pounds ($1.5 million) and Collins believes the cure “is within reach.”

Recently, when her daughter asked if her disease could be cured, she answered that it would be a long way, but they will get there.

“I told her we were almost on the first step of the staircase, as Great Ormond Street (Hospital) hopes to start stem research later this year.”

(from News reports)

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