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Story guru Robert McKee to hold seminar in Seoul

June 11, 2012 - 20:11 By Korea Herald
Robert McKee, an internationally acclaimed teacher of story-writing and storytelling, will hold a five-day seminar, offering a rare chance to learn about the principles and strategy of the art.

The seminar, to be held in Korea for the first time, welcomes screenwriters, reporters, TV writers, filmmakers, producers, directors, film & TV executives, journalists, advertising executives, and marketing & sales, finance, design, communication and customer service professionals of all levels.

The seminar covers all the crucial elements to create or write a good story, and previews the types of problems that many encounter in order to avoid common pitfalls in writing and telling stories.

It is also designed to develop one’s leadership, strategy, marketing and sales capabilities through storytelling.

Period: Oct. 29-Nov. 2

Programs and venue

All four days at El Tower, Yangjae-dong, Seoul

Session A (Oct. 29-Nov. 1): Story seminar

Session B (Nov. 2):

Powerful Storytelling in Biz and Organization

For more information, call 070-7727-7881,7883, (02)744-6922 or visit or