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Convict’s body partly eaten by black bear

June 4, 2012 - 10:55 By 문예빈



The body of a man convicted of kidnapping and second-degree murder was found partly eaten by a bear in southern British Columbia, authorities said.

Rory Nelson Wagner, 53, had been reported missing when he didn’t return to his residence at an apartment where he had to be at night while on day parole, The (Kamloops, British Columbia) Daily News reported.

Wagner’s body was found in woods southwest of Kamloops, about 130 yards from his 1986 Volkswagen Jetta. The car had scratches, paw prints and a dent -- evidence a black bear had been at the vehicle. Officials believe Wagner had been dead for days and the bear pulled his body out of the car.

Wagner’s body had been covered with plant debris, an apparent effort by the bear to keep it as a food supply.

Regional coroner Mark Coleman said street drugs were found in Wagner’s car and toxicology tests were ordered.

Wagner, his brother Rob Wagner and Gerald Beaugrand pleaded guilty to the 1993 beating death of Anthony Kohlman, a Langley, British Columbia, man.

Kohlman had been acquitted of sexually abusing a child related to the Wagner men and was killed soon after, the Daily News said.

Conservation officials were hunting for the bear. (UPI)

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 ‘정의의 곰’? 살인자 물어 죽여

납치 및 제2급 모살 혐의로 유죄 선고를 받은 한 남성이 브리티시컬럼비아주 남부 숲에서 곰에게 물려 숨진 채 발견됐다고 CNN이 보도했다.

로리 와그너(Rory Wagner•53)는 가석방 상태로 외출했다가 거주 아파트에 돌아오지 않자 경찰은 수색에 나섰다.

와그너는 그의 차량에서 120m 정도 떨어진 위치에서 발견됐다. 그의 차량은 곰 발자국, 스크래치 등 곰이 지나간 흔적을 보였다.

지역 검시관 마크 콜맨(Mark Coleman)은 와그너의 차량 안에 술과 마약이 발견됐다고 말했다.

경찰은 와그너가 사망한 지 몇 일이 지나 곰의 습격을 받은 것으로 추측하고 있다.

와그너는 자신이 알고 있는 어린이를 성폭행한 혐의에 대해 무죄 선고를 받은 한 남성 앤터니 콜만(Anthony Kohlman)에 대한 복수로 두 명의 공범과 함께 살인을 저지른 사실을 인정한 바 있다.
