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Obama: 'Angry' if Secret Service allegations true

April 16, 2012 - 11:06 By 박한나

U.S. President Barack Obama, speaking for the first time about allegations that Secret Service agents hired prostitutes, said Sunday that “of course I'll be angry'' if those accusations are proven true by an investigation.

Obama said the agents represent the United States and are supposed to conduct themselves with the highest levels of dignity anywhere in the world. “Obviously, what's been reported doesn't match up to those standards,'' Obama said in a news conference wrapping his appearance at a Latin America summit.

The president never directly mentioned that the specific accusations, confirmed by media outlets, that agents were cavorting with prostitutes before the president arrived in Colombia.

The Secret Service sent 11 agents home and placed them on leave for misconduct as the agency reviews what happened.

 “I expect that investigation to be thorough, and I expect it to be rigorous,'' Obama said. “If it turns out that some of the allegations that have been made in the press are confirmed, then of course I'll be angry. ... We are representing the people of the United States, and when we travel to another country, I expect us to observe the highest standards.''

The unseemly topic dogged Obama to the end in Colombia, where he fought to keep a focus on America's trade relations with partners throughout the Americas. And it is likely to follow him back to the United States as lawmakers in the Republican-led House consider whether to hold hearings.

When Obama took a question about the topic, he was standing next to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos.

Obama tried to put the controversy in context by lauding the agents who protect his life.

 “These men and women perform extraordinary service on a day-to-day basis protecting me, my family, U.S. officials,'' Obama said. “They do very hard work under stressful circumstances and almost invariably do an outstanding job. So I'm very grateful.''

He said he would reserve judgment until the investigation is done.

Five U.S. military service members were also alleged to have been involved in the incident.

The Secret Service agents at the center of the allegations had stayed at Cartagena's five-star Hotel Caribe. The 11 employees in question were special agents and Uniformed Division Officers. None were assigned to directly protect Obama.

The scandal probably is not an isolated incident, a leading House Republican said Sunday.

California Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of a House investigative panel, said he wasn't certain whether Congress would hold hearings on the misconduct. But lawmakers will be looking “over the shoulder'' of the Secret Service, he said, to make sure that the agency's methods for training and screening agents aren't endangering the nation's VIPs.

“Things like this don't happen once if they didn't happen before,'' said Issa, who leads the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Appearing Sunday on CBS' “Face the Nation,'' Issa said: “It's not about whether the president was in danger this time. It's whether or not you need to make changes so the American people can have confidence in all of their workforce.'' (AP)


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"美, 이란에 선물 안주었다"…이'총리 주장 반박

버락 오바마 미국 대통령은 제6차 미주정상회의 준비차 콜롬비아에 선발대로 파견된 비밀경호국 요원들이 성매매한 사실이 드러나 국제적 망신을 당한 것과 관련, "조사 결과 진실로 드러나면 화가 날 것"이라고 강한 불쾌감을 토로했다.

오바마 대통령은 15일(현지시간) 정상회의를 마감하는 기자회견에서 비밀경호국 요원들의 성매매 의혹에 대해 처음으로 언급, "미국을 대표하는 요원들은 전 세계 어느 곳을 가든 최고의 명예심을 갖고 행동할 것으로 기대하고 있으나 이번에 보도된 내용은 그런 기준에 전혀 부합하지 않는 것"이라고 강조했다.

그러면서 "이번 조사가 철저하게 진행돼 곧 마무리될 것으로 본다"면서 "언론에 보도된 내용이 사실로 밝혀진다면 당연히 나는 화가 날 것이고, 우리가 다른 국가를 방문할 때 최고의 기준에 따라 행동할 것으로 국민들은 기대할 것"이라고 강조했다.

이 발언은 오는 11월 대선을 앞두고 공화당이 이 문제를 정치쟁점화, 공세를 취하고 나선 데 대해 공세의 예봉을 피하면서 조기 진화하려는 의도가 담긴 것으로 풀이된다.

오바마 대통령은 그러나 "우리 요원들은 나와 내 가족, 그리고 미 관리들을 보호하기 위해 매일매일 비상 근무를 하고 있다"면서 "엄청난 스트레스를 받는 환경에 서 고된 업무를 수행하고, 그것도 변함없이 임무를 아주 훌륭하게 수행하고 있다"고 요원들을 감쌌다.

한편 오바마 대통령은 내달 5월 23일 이라크 수도 바그다드에서 이란 핵프로그램 대책회의를 개최키로 한 것에 대해 이스라엘측이 "이란에 미국이 선물을 주었다"

고 불만을 표출한 것과 관련, "이란에 아무런 양보도 하지 않았다"고 반박하면서  "이란에게 시간이 계속 채칵채칵 다가오고 있다"고 압박했다.

앞서 베냐민 네타냐후 이스라엘 총리는 이란과 유엔 안전보장이사회 상임이사국(P) 5개국에 독일이 참가하는 이른바 'P5+1' 회의가 14일 내달 대책회의 개최에 합의하자 "이란이 아무런 제재를 받지 않고 우라늄을 농축할 시간을 벌게 됐다"고 불만을 토로했었다.