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Paradise Jeju Island: a Tahiti in South Pacific?

March 20, 2012 - 12:48 By Yu Kun-ha
Jeju Island is one of Korea’s most attractive tourist destinations for Koreans and foreign visitors. Its reputation of unique beauty and majesty has been widely known for a long time.

Indeed, Jeju is a special place. Its distinct traditions, diverse flora, magnificent landscapes and what could only be described as playful remnants of nature’s most creative formations are harmoniously mixed to become the home to nine of the world’s 66 UNESCO Global Geoparks. Even Mr. Robert Redford, not so long ago, rightfully endorsed Jeju Island’s allure as an “impeccable treasure on this planet.”

Thank you for recognizing Jeju Island as one of the world-famous paradises.

Now, Jeju Island is about to accommodate a new, modern naval base at one of its southern tips, as Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, San Diego in California and Apra Harbor in Guam.

Yet, there are protests and campaigns trying to stop this project of national importance.

Of course, some points are understandable. Environmental concerns are valid, particularly on how the naval base affects the island’s surrounding ecosystem both on land and underwater. In order to minimize the negative effects, the Korean government has undertaken extensive precautionary and preventative measures during both phases of construction and maintenance of the base. The Korean government is expected to cooperate closely with UNESCO to preserve Jeju Island’s designated Biosphere Reserves, such as the protection of Beomseom, which is located 1.7 kilometers (or 1.06 miles) off of the construction site.

Furthermore, the government plans to make the naval base an eco-friendly, multipurpose and scenic port, including the creation of green-belt zones surrounding the area. The new ports are also designed to promote tourism, such as including sizable docks accessible for cruise ships and other vessels for maritime leisure.

Another issue raised was the question of the government’s due process in approving and constructing the base. Korea is no longer a country where individual rights are readily abrogated and objections censored. This project has dutifully followed the due process of the law, accommodated a myriad of views and sought to reach a broad consensus based on the understandings of disparate views.

Certainly in carrying out the plans for the new naval base, the Korean government has been struggling for more than a decade through conducting numerous polls and holding town hall meetings to incorporate a delicate balance of addressing its pressing issues of safeguarding national security, protecting the environment, and creating business opportunities and new jobs on Jeju Island.

As you may know, Korea is a nation of thriving industry and trade. It is also one of the most vibrant democracies in the world. In fact, Korea has become a society in which public debate and reconciliation make any national level decision protracted. More importantly, Korea has been at the forefront of advancing environmental protection by leading global efforts on climate change. Korea-based Global Green Growth Institute was founded in June 2010 to promote green economic growth, which has become the underlying issue of the United Nations Environmental Programme’s Green Economy Report launched in 2011. Other green growth initiatives by the Korean government include the National Strategy for Green Growth (2009-2050) and the Five-Year Plan (2009-2013), which are recognized by the OECD for its aims to “provide a comprehensive policy framework for green growth in both the short and long term.”

However, the strongest, and frankly the most stupefying, argument advanced by the naysayers is that the naval base is being constructed to serve the U.S. strategy of encircling China through its Aegis antiballistic missile systems. They conclude that this needlessly provokes China and sparks an arms race. Moreover, some even baselessly assert that the Korean government is building this naval base due to pressure from Washington.

As a matter of fact, there has been no request made from the U.S. to construct or exclusively use this naval base for certain purpose. This plan is purely Korea’s own. Why would the Pentagon need Jeju to operate its Aegis-ABM, while the U.S. Navy can fully operate from bases in Okinawa and other bases in Japan or in any other parts of the Pacific?

For Korea, the most pressing need to construct this new base is that of its national security and of safeguarding its national and economic interests.

A modern naval base has been planned by the Korean government since 1993. Expansion and further modernization of the Korean Navy was limited without a modern base. As the world’s 9th largest trading nation with a total annual trade volume of more than $1 trillion (and the 7th largest exporter), about 600,000 merchant ships, of which 400,000 are Korean, pass by Jeju Island each year.

Furthermore, to participate in the international efforts to fight piracy, the Korean Navy has to reach out to the Indian Ocean to protect its national and international civilian ships. One resounding example took place in January last year. Code-named “Dawn of Gulf of Aden,” Korean Navy commandos executed a daring rescue mission near Somalia to save the 21 crew members of the hijacked freighter, Samho Jewelry, and brought the captured pirates to justice.

Without adequate preparedness, particularly without minimum requisite naval capabilities, how can Korea secure its own independence and protect its national and maritime interests?

The southern tip of Jeju Island turned out to be the most ideal place for this purpose, because it offers the right conditions for a modern port that could accommodate naval and commercial ships, which have become much larger in size. Also its ideal locale avails of a balanced radius from which the Navy can cover from North to South and East to West. Korea is surrounded by sea and often in dispute and conflict with neighboring countries.

As was demonstrated in 2010 by the North’s attacks on the South Korean naval vessel, Cheonan, and on Yeonpyeong Island, Korea faces constant threats from North Korea. In addition, Korea is surrounded by powerful maritime forces in the world. China has the second largest navy in the world. Japan’s sizable fleet has a total displacement of approximately 432,000 tons. Compared to the Korean Navy’s total displacement of about 181,000 tons, the difference is significantly asymmetric. Also, there are disputes in the region over the sea territory, continental shelf and the respective Exclusive Economic Zones.

Korea’s history was often marred by tragedy due to its lack of adequate defense capabilities. The country had been the victim of bitter rivalries and subjected to ambitious conquests from surrounding superpowers. Korea could not defend itself from invasions and become a battleground during many devastating wars. In 1882, China (Qing Dynasty) sent nearly 5,000 troops from the sea and stationed in Korea for a decade until Japan landed and defeated the Chinese. Korea lost its sovereignty after the Japanese destroyed the Russian armada nearby Jeju Island in 1904. Korea cannot repeat this bitter part of history.

So, who should be the ones to care when Korea’s territorial integrity and its national sovereignty are threatened? First and foremost, it should be Koreans. With that said, whom do the distorted opposing campaigns serve?

Korea cannot revert to the days of humiliation and subjugation. The Republic of Korea has built itself from the colonial hardship and ashes of war. Now, it is one of the leading economic and technological powers in the world. And at the same time, Korea is hailed as one of the most exemplary cases of developing a mature democracy, placing human values to the forefront.

Yes, Jeju Island is a paradise of peace; yet, it is not a Tahiti in the Pacific. 

By Kim Young-mok

Kim Young-mok Kim is the consul general of the Republic of Korea in New York. ― Ed.