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Key figures on ...Japan’s disaster

March 11, 2012 - 20:39 By Korea Herald
TOKYO (AFP) ― The earthquake and tsunami of March 11 last year killed thousands and caused widespread damage as well as sparking a nuclear emergency at Fukushima.

As Japan marks the first anniversary of the disaster, here are some key figures:

Time of earthquake: 14:46 local time. A tsunami warning was issued three minutes later.

Magnitude: 9.0

Epicenter: At 38.1 degrees north latitude, 142.9 east longitude in the Pacific Ocean, at the depth of 24 kilometers underwater.

Height of waves: Waves higher than 15 meters were observed in various places ― Ishinomaki, Soma, Ofunato, among others.

Confirmed deaths: 15,846

People still missing: 3,317

(No deaths have so far been attributed to exposure to radiation in the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant)

Injuries: 6,011

Refugees across the country: 341,411

Temporary houses constructed or under construction: 52,882

Buildings totally destroyed: 128,558

Buildings damaged: 916,883

Rubble generated in the three worst-affected prefectures (Miyagi, Iwate, Fukushima): 22 million tons.

The government has approved four reconstruction budgets for the fiscal year from April 2011 to March 2012, totaling 20.5 billion yen ($253 million).