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Death toll at 37 after tornadoes rage across US

March 4, 2012 - 10:27 By

Rescuers and residents searched house to house Saturday a day after tornadoes killed at least 37 people and injured hundreds, tearing across the US heartland and virtually wiping out communities.

Even as stunned Americans grappled with the magnitude of the destruction brought by Friday's twisters, the National Weather Service (NWS) issued new tornado warnings for parts of Georgia and Florida, in the country's southeast.

Trucks and trees were upended as deadly funnel clouds ravaged parts of eight states in the US Midwest and South.

The devastating images included a school bus smashed through the wall of a house, trucks thrown into lakes, solid brick homes reduced to rubble and wooden ones smashed into kindling, as well as mobile homes flipped like tin cans.

President Barack Obama called the governors of Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio to offer condolences for the dead and said the federal emergency management agency stood ready to help, the White House said.

Deaths were reported in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Alabama and Georgia as the storm system moved eastward.

In Kentucky, where Governor Steve Beshear's office confirmed 18 fatalities, a total of 13 tornadoes roared across the state, causing damage in 40 counties and knocking out power to 22,000 people.

About 300 injuries have been reported in the state, according to Beshear, who surveyed the damage in the devastated town of West Liberty.

Amateur video aired on CNN showed a gargantuan grey twister churning over West Liberty on Friday, as a woman loudly prayed "Oh God, take it away from us Lord!"

At least 14 people were killed in Indiana, according to Governor Mitch Daniels, who inspected the devastation in Henryville.

"We're not unfamiliar with Mother Nature's wrath out here in Indiana, but this is about as serious as I've seen it in my years in this job," an emotional Daniels, wearing a camouflage jacket, told reporters.

"Lucky it wasn't worse," he said, adding that while early warning systems likely saved lives, it was a "heartbreaking" loss for families.

The high school in Henryville suffered damage, but luckily all the children were evacuated safely and only minor injuries -- some cuts and scrapes -- were reported, said sheriff department spokesman Chuck Adams.

Officials in Clark County, Indiana were scrambling to deal with widespread damage after roads were blocked by fallen trees and debris, and power and phone lines were knocked out.

The hardest hit was Marysville, where the small town has nearly ceased to exist, officials said. "That's the information we have, that Marysville is no longer," US Senator Dan Coats of Indiana told CNN.

Indiana activated 250 members of its National Guard, who used Black Hawk helicopters to reach hard-hit regions. Indiana and Kentucky declared states of emergency.

There were three deaths in neighboring Ohio, including a city councilwoman from the town of Moscow, an Emergency Management Agency official said.

The Gulf Coast state of Alabama reported one death after tornadoes trapped people in rubble, destroyed houses and uprooted trees.

For Brandy Robbins, whose home in Harvest, Alabama was destroyed in devastating tornadoes last year, it was a sickening case of deja vu.

"I realized lightning does strike twice," she told Fox News, standing outside the home she recently rebuilt, only to have it badly damaged once more.

"Unfortunately my kids and I are going to have to rebuild again."

In Georgia, a woman was killed in the city of Alpharetta, north of Atlanta, and tornadoes inflicted severe damage on at least 40 homes and a regional airport west of the city in Paulding County, a spokeswoman for the state's emergency management agency said.

The latest wave of storms comes as people were picking through rubble left behind by a string of twisters across six states that killed 13 people earlier in the week.

The NWS received 83 reports of tornadoes in eight states by Friday evening, bringing the week's total to 133.

More could be on their way as a "particularly dangerous" tornado watch continued into Saturday in four states in a massive storm that also carried golf-ball sized hail.

Some 545 people were killed by tornadoes in 2011, the deadliest season since 1936 and the third worst on record.

This year tornadoes have come early with the mild winter creating the conditions for cold fronts to slam into warmer air.

"We knew it was going to be bad," said Angie Lese, a meteorologist with NWS. "All the ingredients came together for a significant outbreak." (AFP)

<관련 한글 기사>

토네이도에 기적처럼 혼자 살아남은 아기

강력한 바람에 4살 아들 놓친 사연도

미국 중서부를 강타한 토네이도로 3일(현지시간) 최소 37명이 숨진 것으로 확인된 가운데 극적인 구조 소식도 나오고 있다.

미국 ABC 방송은 이날 토네이도 피해가 특히 컸던 인디애나주(州) 세일럼의 무너진 주택 잔해 옆 들판에서 3~4세로 추정되는 여아가 일가족 중 유일하게 생존한 채 발견됐다고 이날 보도했다.

들판에서 발견된 아기의 곁에는 어머니(21)와 두살과 생후 두달된 동생들이 있었으나 모두 숨진 상태였다고 이 지역 보안관 클라우드 콤즈가 밝혔다. 무너진 집 주변에서 20세 남성의 시신도 발견됐지만, 이 남성이 아이들의 아버지인지는 확인되 지 않았다.

세일럼에서 64km가량 떨어진 첼시에서는 꼭 끌어안고 있던 4살배기 아들을 놓친 어머니의 딱한 사연도 나왔다.

토네이도가 다가오자 어맨다 잭슨은 아들과 함께 지하 창고로 대피했지만 바람은 집 전체를 날려버리고 아들까지 앗아갔다. 아들 데일린은 60대인 증조부모와 함께 뒤뜰에서 숨진 채 발견됐다.

2일 발생한 토네이도는 켄터키(19명), 인디애나(14명), 오하이오(3명), 앨라배마(1명) 등 최소 37명의 사망자를 냈다.

지난달 29일 일리노이를 비롯해 캔자스, 미주리, 테네시 등에서 13명이 숨진 것을 포함하면 이번 토네이도로 인한 사망자 수는 50여명에 이른다.

특히 큰 피해를 본 곳은 인디애나와 켄터키의 시골 마을이다.

인디애나 헨리빌에서는 초•중•고등학교가 몰려 있는 중심가를 토네이도가 강타, 학교 건물이 완전히 무너져내렸다.

인구 1천900명의 헨리빌은 패스트푸드 전문점인 켄터키 프라이드 치킨(KFC)을 설립한 데이비드 샌더스의 고향으로 유명하다.

무너진 건물의 잔해가 헨리빌에서 240km 떨어진 신시내티에서 발견돼 토네이도 의 위력을 실감케 했다. 그러나 수업을 받던 학생 1천400여명은 토네이도가 몰아치 기 전에 대피해 인명 피해는 1명에 그쳤다.

마지막까지 학교에 남아있던 교직원과 학생 40명은 초등학교 건물 사무실 안으로 급히 피신해 토네이도가 잦아들기를 기다려야 했다.

학교 회계담당자인 팸 호튼은 "정말 큰일 날 뻔했다"면서 "다시는 토네이도 경보를 가볍게 여기지 않겠다"고 가슴을 쓸어내렸다.

인디애나주 메리스빌도 급수탑만 온전히 남고 마을의 모든 건물이 파괴되는 등 피해가 크게 났다.

토네이도 피해 지역은 멕시코만에서부터 5대호까지 미국 중서부의 약 1천 마일 에 이르고, 사상자 수가 늘어난다고 외신들이 보도했다.