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Deadly violence rocks China’s restive Xinjiang

March 1, 2012 - 10:28 By

BEIJING (AFP) - Twenty people died when a group armed with knives attacked a market in Xinjiang, the latest outbreak of violence in the ethnically divided Chinese region, authorities said Wednesday.

The motive behind the attack late on Tuesday was not immediately clear, but Xinjiang -- a vast region home to the mainly Muslim Uighur minority -- has suffered repeated outbreaks of ethnic unrest in recent years.

Chinese paramilitary police patrol on the streets of Urumqi -- the capital of China`s Xinjiang region -- in July 2010. (AFP)

The Xinhua state news agency initially put the toll at 12 dead, including two assailants who it said were armed with knives.

But the official information website Tianshan said Wednesday the death toll was 20, including 13 "innocent people" and seven "terrorists" who were killed by police.

"Nine violent terrorists rushed into the crowd with knives, killing 13 innocent people and wounding several others," Tianshan said.

A police officer told AFP by telephone earlier that around a dozen Uighurs wielding axes attacked the market in the remote town of Yecheng, killing 10 people and police then shot five of the attackers dead.

Xinjiang, which borders Pakistan and Afghanistan, is home to around nine million Uighurs who complain of oppression under Chinese rule.

The number of Han -- China's dominant ethnic group -- living in the region has increased dramatically over the past decade, which government critics say results from a policy of migration to dilute any Uighur nationalist tendencies.

"At around 5.30 or 6.00 pm around a dozen rioters carrying axes appeared in the market, in an area that is mostly populated by Han people," said the police officer, who gave only his surname Tuo.

"Most of the victims were Han people, but some were Uighurs. Five rioters were shot, not two, and they were all Uighurs."

Xinjiang has been under heavy security since July 2009, when Uighurs launched attacks on Han people in the regional capital Urumqi.

The government says nearly 200 people were killed and 1,700 injured in the violence, which shattered the authoritarian Communist Party's claims of harmony and unity among the country's dozens of ethnic groups.

Many Uighurs remain angry at the harsh crackdown that followed the violence.

The government blames much of the violence in the resource-rich region on what it calls the three "evil forces" of extremism, separatism and terrorism.

But some experts doubt terror cells operate in Xinjiang, where the Turkic-speaking Uighurs practise a moderate form of Islam.

The World Uighur Congress, a German-based exile group, said authorities in Yecheng had detained more than 100 people and closed off all exits and entries in response to the latest attack.

Seven of those killed on Tuesday were Chinese armed patrol personnel, it said, citing local sources.

"The incident happened because Uighurs can no longer bear China's systematic repression, and are using primitive fighting methods to resist,"

said a statement by Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the group.

He said armed police shot and killed 10 Uighurs and wounded 11 others and blamed a "huge influx" of Han Chinese immigrants and official discrimination against Uighurs for the violence.

"Uighurs have been completely stripped of any peaceful ways of resisting,"

he said.

Barry Sautman, associate professor of social science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, said it was not clear whether the outbreaks of violence had increased since 2009, but that they appeared to be growing more daring.

"Since 2009, these incidents have been more, how should I say, spectacular, like storming police stations and attacks on police," he said.

Authorities in Xinjiang said last month they plan to recruit 8,000 extra police officers as China strengthens security in the run-up to a major leadership transition that begins later this year.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei blamed "terrorists" for the latest attack although he added that "we do not yet know clearly who is behind these actions".

"The overall situation in Xinjiang is quite good," he told a regular briefing. 


中 신장 유혈사태 사망자 20명으로 늘어

중국 신장(新疆) 위구르자치구에서 28일(현지시간) 벌어 진 유혈 사태의 사망자 수가 20명이라고 현지 당국이 29일 밝혔다. 중국 관영 신화 통신은 앞서 사망자가 12명이라고 보도했었다.

신장 위구르자치구 정부가 운영하는 인터넷 매체인 톈산왕(天山網)은 "테러리스 트 9명이 사람이 붐비는 시장에 뛰어들어 마구 칼을 휘둘렀다"며 "무고한 시민 13명 이 사망했으며, 경찰이 테러리스트 7명을 사살하고 2명을 체포했다"고 보도했다.

톈산왕은 사망자 외에 부상자도 여러명이라고 덧붙였다.

관영 신화통신은 오후 6시께 카스(喀什)시 부근 예청(葉城)현 행복로시장에서 신원을 알 수 없는 폭도들이 흉기를 휘둘러 주변 행인들을 살해했다고 보도했다.

통신은 즉시 현지 공안이 출동해 난동을 진압했고 그 과정에서 공안이 쏜 총에 폭도 2명이 맞아 숨졌다고 전했다. 중국 당국은 나머지 폭도를 쫓고 있다고 덧붙였다.

미국의소리(VOA) 방송은 현장에서 숨진 행인이 10명 이상이며 공안의 총격에 사 망한 사람도 최소 2명이라고 보도했다.

사건 발생 직후 카스 시내에서 웨이보 사용이 즉각 차단돼 사건 내용이 전파되지 않았다.

위구르인 900만 명이 사는 신장위구르 지역은 1759년 청나라 지배에 들어간 이 후 줄기차게 독립운동을 벌이고 있다. 2009년 7월에는 신장위구르자치구 우루무치(

烏魯木齊)시에서 한족과 위구르인의 갈등이 폭력 시위로 번져 197명이 숨지고 1천70 0여 명이 부상했다.

작년 7월에는 신장위구르 허톈(和田.호탄)시에서 위구르 인들의 파출소 공격 사 건이 발생해 경찰을 포함해 18명이 숨졌다. 또 같은 달 30∼31일에는 카스시에서 위 구르 인들이 행인들에게 무차별적으로 흉기를 휘두르는 테러 사건이 나 50여 명이 사상했다.

또 지난해 12월 28일에도 현지 공안에 위구르인 7명이 사살됐다. 중국 당국은 해당 위구르 인들이 독립운동을 뜻하는 '성전(聖戰)'을 할 의도로 인도 또는 파키스 탄으로 넘어가 테러 조직에서 훈련하려 했다고 주장했지만, 위구르 인권단체 측에서 는 중국 당국이 단순한 충돌 사건을 테러 사건으로 과대 포장했다고 반박했다.

중국 당국은 신장위구르에서 발생하는 일련의 사건 배후에 '동(東)투르키스탄이슬람운동'이 있다고 보고 있다.

이 때문에 시진핑(習近平) 국가부주석도 최근 터키 방문 기간에 레제프 타이이 프 에르도안 총리와 만나 `동투르키스탄 이슬람운동'의 활동을 단속해달라고 공식 요구했다. (연합뉴스)