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Seoul’s dust level falls to record low in 2011

Feb. 14, 2012 - 14:09 By Korea Herald
Dust levels in Seoul and its surrounding areas fell to their lowest on record in 2011, showed government data released Tuesday.

According to the data from the Ministry of Environment, the levels of dust in Seoul, as measured in the amount of PM10 particles per cubic meter, averaged 47 micrograms, the lowest since the official monitoring began in 1995.

Dust levels have been on a steady decline from 78 micrograms in 1995.

The 2011 figure is within the Korean government’s target of 50 micrograms per cubic meter. The World Health Organization’s recommendation is to keep it below 20.

Gyeonggi Province and Incheon reported 57 and 55 micrograms per cubic meter, respectively, also their lowest since monitoring began in 2005.

Levels of NO2, or nitrogen dioxide, in Seoul rose slightly from 32 parts per billion, or ppb, to 33, beyond the governmental target of 30. Figures for Incheon and Gyeonggi stood at 30. 

By Lee Sun-young