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Palestinian prisoner on 55th day of hunger strike

Feb. 10, 2012 - 11:09 By

JERUSALEM (AP) _ In a high-stakes gamble, an imprisoned member of a Palestinian militant group has waged a hunger strike for almost two months, trying to draw attention to Israel's military justice system and its treatment of detainees who can be held without charge for lengthy periods.

Khader Adnan, 33, has refused food for 55 days, making his hunger strike the longest ever waged by a Palestinian detainee. With his condition rapidly deteriorating, Israeli authorities, who consider him a terrorist, are nonetheless scrambling to keep him alive. His death could turn the previously obscure Adnan into a Palestinian hero and set off new violence.

Adnan, a member of the armed group Islamic Jihad, has lost 60 pounds (27 kilograms) and now weighs about 140 pounds (63 kilograms). His skin is discolored, his hair has fallen out, he cannot walk, and he has been shackled to his bed, said lawyers and his wife Randa, who have seen him in a series of Israeli hospitals.

He is drinking water that is occasionally enhanced with electrolytes and vitamins he needs to keep him alive. His condition is considered severe.

The protest could not only cost Adnan his life but could also have political implications.

Islamic Jihad, a violent Iranian-backed militant group that has killed dozens of Israelis in suicide bombings and other attacks, has vowed to punish Israel if Adnan dies. The group could fire rockets into Israel from its stronghold in the Gaza Strip, where it has recently built up a powerful arsenal of new weapons.

Adnan was a spokesman for Islamic Jihad in the West Bank. It isn't known if he directly participated in attacks on Israelis.

Adnan is being held under a policy known as ``administrative detention,'' said his lawyer, Tamar Peleg-Sryck. The system allows Israel to hold suspected militants without charge based on secret information that is not shared with lawyers. It is generally used in cases deemed high-risk.

``Adnan was arrested with an administrative arrest warrant for activities that threatened regional security,'' an Israeli military spokesman said without elaborating. ``An appeal was filed by the defendant and it is under review.''

Adnan is being held under guard at an Israeli hospital, and prison officials say they are watching his condition closely. The prison service declined comment Thursday, but officials have said in the past that they have permission to force feed Adnan if necessary.

Adnan's lawyers appealed the detention order Thursday at a special hearing in the hospital, said Mahmoud Hassan, one of his lawyers. There was no ruling and the judge could take a week to give his decision.

Hassan, who works for the prisoners' advocacy group Addameer, said he was barred from discussing specifics of the hearing. But he said Adnan attended the hearing in a wheelchair, his hands and feet in shackles. He spoke with difficulty and vowed to continue his hunger strike.

Adnan is only allowing doctors from the Israel branch of Physicians for Human Rights and the International Committee of the Red Cross to check on his condition. Neither group would comment.

The case has generated widespread support in Palestinian society.

Small demonstrations in support of Adnan have been held in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in recent days. Followers exchange updates on Twitter, and Facebook users have changed their profile pictures to that of a bearded Adnan.

Adnan believes his imprisonment, and the events leading to his detention, have robbed him of his dignity, according to his wife and lawyers.

``My husband tells me, 'I am striking against humiliation,''' said Randa Adnan. ``His determination is strong, even though he resembles a man who has stepped away from life.''

Adnan began his hunger strike shortly after he was arrested in a raid on his home on Dec. 17 in the northern West Bank village of Arabeh.

Adnan claims soldiers made sexual innuendoes about his wife and mocked his Muslim faith. He also says Israeli agents beat him during interrogations, tied him in painful positions to a chair, ripped hair out of his beard and wiped dirt on his face. Israeli officials have not commented on those allegations.

He is also protesting his administrative detention.

Israeli military courts can order the detentions for up to six months and renew the orders indefinitely. Suspects have been held as long as three years at a time without charge, according to Israeli human rights groups.

Israel says the practice is necessary in cases of dangerous militants because airing the evidence would risk exposing its network of Palestinian informants. But critics say the system is open to abuse because it is not transparent.

Peleg-Sryck, the attorney, said there are currently 309 administrative detainees in Israeli jails. A prison spokeswoman was unable to verify that number.

Israel's military justice system in the West Bank, set up after Israel captured the territory in the 1967 Mideast war, has come under scrutiny in unexpected quarters in recent weeks.

A film examining the system, ``The Law in These Parts,'' by Raanan Alexandrowicz was awarded the best international documentary by the Sundance Film Festival jury in Utah this year.

Based on interviews with former military judges, it portrays the system as a tool to justify Israel's treatment of Palestinians. It showed how military judges who are supposed to be independent adjudicators faced the problem of trying suspects considered their enemies.

About 95 percent of Palestinian suspects in 2010 were convicted of at least one charge against them, according to a military court report.

Administrative detention prisoners represent a tiny fraction of the estimated 4,200 Palestinians held in Israel, many who are doing time for charges ranging from throwing stones at Israeli soldiers to killing Israeli civilians.

Palestinian society venerates the prisoners, overlooking their crimes and viewing them as freedom fighters.

The second longest hunger strike in Palestinian history was by a woman who refused food for 43 days before she was released in 1997.

The late Mohandas K. Gandhi popularized the hunger strike as a protest tool during the Indian independence movement in the 1940s. Another famous case was that of Bobby Sands, an Irish Republican Army activist who along with nine other inmates starved to death in a 1981 hunger strike in a British prison.

In recent years, dissidents in Venezuela and Cuba have died of hunger strikes.


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이스라엘 교도소에 갇혀 있는 팔레스타인 무장단체 수감자가 두달가량 단식투쟁을 벌이고 있어 긴장감이 돌고 있다.

이슬람 무장단체인 지하드 요원 카데르 아드난(33)이라는 이 수감자는 기소도 없이 구금하고 있는 이스라엘 군사법정 시스템과 수감자 처우에 항의하며 9일(현지시간) 현재 55일째 단식투쟁을 벌이고 있다.

그의 단식투쟁 기간은 그동안 팔레스타인 수감자가 해왔던 단식 중 최장이다.

그의 건강상태가 급속도로 나빠지자 이스라엘 관리들은 그를 테러리스트로 의심하면서도 생명을 유지하도록 하기 위해 바쁘게 움직이고 있다.

그가 죽을 경우에는 자칫 팔레스타인의 영웅으로 떠올라 새로운 폭동이 일 수 있는 것으로 보기 때문이다.

체중이 27㎏가량 줄어든 아드난은 혈색이 표백된 것처럼 창백하고 걸을 수도 없으며 수갑을 찬 채 침대에 누워 있다고 그의 부인과 담당 변호사가 전했다.

요르단강 서안지구 지하드의 대변인 역할을 해왔던 그의 이 같은 단식 투쟁은 자신 개인에 대한 것은 물론 정치적인 의미를 띠고 있다.

이란이 지원하고 있고 살상 무기로 수십명의 이스라엘인들의 목숨을 앗아가기도 했던 지하드는 아드난이 사망할 경우 이스라엘에 대한 보복을 감행하겠다고 공언하기도 했다.

이번 아드난의 경우처럼 이스라엘이 고급 정보를 바탕으로 기소도 없이 행하고 있는 '행정적 구금'에 대한 인권문제도 지적되고 있다.

최근 며칠 동안 서안과 가자지구에서는 아드난을 응원하는 소규모 집회들이 열리고 있어 그의 단식투쟁을 둘러싸고 긴장감이 일고 있다.