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Lawmakers pushing for probe into sex crimes on disabled

Oct. 12, 2011 - 16:55 By

SEOUL (Yonhap) -- South Korean lawmakers are pushing for a parliamentary investigation into years-long sex crimes against disabled students that have recently emerged as a key social issue, a lawmaker said Wednesday.

The move came after a local box-office hit sparked a widespread public outrage against the sex crimes and the light punishments for the convicted teachers.

(Yonhap News)

The film "Dogani," whose English title is "The Crucible," is based on the shocking true story of teachers at a school in the southwestern city of Gwangju for the disabled committing repeated sex crimes against hearing-impaired students for five years from 2000.

President Lee Myung-bak has recently called for measures to prevent such a crime from happening again after watching the movie.

The lawmakers submitted the request for a parliamentary probe to the National Assembly to look into the case and to come up with measures to prevent a recurrence of similar crimes.

"We need to thoroughly get to the bottom of the case," said Lee Jae-sun, a lawmaker of the minor opposition Liberty Forward Party, who initiated the request for the probe along with his fellow lawmakers. Some 80 lawmakers joined the campaign.

The looming parliamentary probe comes amid growing public calls for repealing the statute of limitations for child sex offenders.

Police have said law enforcement authorities cannot take legal actions against the suspects involved in the case as the statute of limitations had expired.

Six teachers were charged at that time, but only two received actual jail terms, each less than a year, with the others getting suspended terms and acquitted of charges.

A child foundation has collected signatures from some 300,000 citizens in a public campaign to try to repeal the statute of limitations for child sex offenders. The foundation plans to deliver the petition to the National Assembly later Wednesday.

A bill aimed at repealing the statute of limitations for child sex offenders has been gathering dust in the National Assembly for more than a year.


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국조 요구서는 조사 목적에 대해 "성폭력 가해자들이 솜방망이 처벌을 받았을 뿐 아니라 공소시효가 지났다는 이유로 가해 교사는 복직하고, 사건을 제보한  교사 는 해임을 당하는 등 잘못된 법과 제도적 문제점으로 인해 부당한 결과를 낳았다"면 서 "부처 및 관청이 취한 행정에 부당한 사유나 압력은 없었는지 살펴 유사 사건이 발생하지 못하도록 개선 조치를 강구하고자 한다"고 밝혔다.

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이재선 위원장은 연합뉴스와의 전화통화에서 "시간이 지난 사건이긴 하지만 철저한 진상규명이 필요하다"면서 "특히 힘없고 어려운 장애인들이 성폭행을 당하는 것은 비단 인화학교뿐 아니라 다른 곳에서도 일어날 수 있어 그냥 흘려보낼 일이 아 니며, 이번에 확실한 재발방지책을 마련해야 한다"고 강조했다.

이에 앞서 현재 복지위 소속으로 특임장관을 지낸 한나라당 이재오 의원은 그간 수차례 트위터 글을 통해 "광주 인화학교 문제는 정치인들 모두를 부끄럽게 하는 사 건이다. 사회적 악행과 부패 비리는 모르고는 넘어갈 수 있어도 알고는 묻어둘 수 없다"며 국정조사 실시를 요구해 왔다.

국조 요구서에는 여야 복지위원 전원이 참여했다.

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