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Most expensive apartment in Korea: I-PARK in Gangnam

Sept. 5, 2010 - 09:28 By
A 269-square-meter I-PARK apartment unit in Samseong-dong in southern Seoul was found to be the most expensive apartment in the country, a report showed on Friday.

I-PARK in Samseong-dong, Seoul (Yonhap)

In a report by the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs to Rep. Ahn Hong-joon of Grand National Party, the I-PARK unit was valued at 4.47 billion won ($3.8 million) while the most cheapest flat unit in the country was a 11-square-meter apartment in Busan valued at 2.3 million won.

The most expensive apartment unit sized around 85-square-meter was a 80-square-meter apartment unit in Gaepo-dong also in Gangnam-gu, the country’s most expensive residential area.

The cheapest apartment unit in the similar size was in Gangjin County of South Jeolla Province which was valued at 17 million won.
(KH Online)