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N. Korea abstains from vote on UN resolution against arbitrary executions: report

Nov. 21, 2018 - 11:17 By Yonhap

North Korea has abstained from voting on two United Nations resolutions on arbitrary executions and freedom of association and assembly, American broadcaster Radio Free Asia reported on Wednesday.

According to RFA and the UN website, North Korea did not vote on a resolution condemning extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions during a session of the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday.

The resolution was adopted with 110 votes in favor and 67 abstentions. South Korea voted in favor.


The resolution calls on member states to strongly condemn and prevent extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions that are continuously committed across the world.

A report issued by the UN Commission on Human Rights in 2014 defined arbitrary detentions and executions in North Korea as a violation of human rights. A new North Korean human rights resolution which recently passed the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly also expressed serious concern about the issue.

On Tuesday, North Korea also abstained from voting on a UN resolution calling for the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of association.

The resolution was adopted with 143 votes in favor and 38 abstentions. (Yonhap)