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Royce selected to continue to serve as chairman of House foreign affairs committee

Nov. 20, 2014 - 09:49 By KH디지털2

U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) was selected Wednesday to continue to serve as chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee in the new Congress, his office said.

Royce has served on the committee since entering the House of Representatives in 1993, serving as chairman since 2013. The lawmaker has shown particular interest in Korean Peninsula issues, such as the human rights situation in North Korea.

"Over the last two years, our nation has faced continuous, serious threats from across the globe, including ISIL, Russia and North Korea," Royce said in a statement. "Unfortunately, many of these threats have been met with a confused and often passive Obama administration foreign policy."

Royce said his committee will continue its efforts to stop Iran's push to acquire nuclear weapons while promoting U.S.

economic engagement worldwide, "particularly in Asia." (Yonhap)