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Ex-idol under investigation for sexual assault

May 30, 2013 - 19:52 By Korea Herald
Kim Sang-hyuk. (Yonhap News)
The former idol star Kim Sang-hyuk was arrested Wednesday in Nonhyeon-dong around 11 p.m. and is being investigated for sexual assault, Gangnam Police Station said Thursday.

The police said Kim allegedly grabbed the wrist of a female pedestrian, who then called the police. Kim was arrested on the spot, but he said he does not remember anything because he was too drunk.

“We are currently investigating what exactly happened. We won’t know the full details until the investigation is completed,” the police said.

According to the police statement, the woman has said, “I felt sexually assaulted when he grabbed me and asked if we could go ‘somewhere’ together.” The police also described Kim as being intoxicated and uttering incomprehensible sentences during his arrest.

“Since there was physical contact between them we charged him with sexual assault,” the police explained.

After being questioned, Kim was sent home early Thursday morning, but he may be called in for further questioning.

Kim Sang-hyuk debuted in 1999 as a member of the former boy band Click-B. He was once popular with his goofy and nave image, but he took a long hiatus in 2005 following a drunk driving accident after which he fled the scene. He enlisted in the army in 2011 as a public service personnel and was discharged on May 16.

Kim had expressed his wish to make a comeback during an interview conducted on the day of his discharge but the latest trouble with the law is likely to dampen any prospects for an early return to the music scene.

By Suh Hye-rim (