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Korea to kick off Ulchi exercise this week to cope with emergencies

Aug. 21, 2016 - 10:35 By KH디지털2
South Korea will kick off its annual Ulchi exercise this week to better prepare for national emergency situations, the Ministry of Public Safety and Security said Sunday.

The drill that runs from Monday through Thursday is the 49th of its kind and comes amid heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula following North Korea's fourth nuclear test and long-range missile launch earlier this year.

The ministry said this year, emphasis will be placed on dealing with North Korea's frequent global positioning system jamming attacks along with cyberterrorism.

"Compared to the past, greater focus will be placed on actual drills to cope with threats and emergencies," it said.

It moreover said authorities will check the mobilization of key technical personnel and construction related assets and protection of critical facilities like nuclear power plants, airports and harbors.

It said some 4,000 state-agencies and 480,000 people will take part in the drill this year.

Earlier the education ministry said 212 education offices and agencies will take part in this year's Ulchi exercise.

The ministry said for this year's exercise, particular emphasis will be placed on the ability of educational institutions to respond to and minimize damage caused by cyberthreats like hacking attacks.

"The goal of the training is for all participants to prepare for emergency situations and respond quickly to national crisis situations if they arise," said Education Minister Lee Joon-sik. (Yonhap)