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Korea checking suspected bird flu case

Jan. 4, 2012 - 19:27 By

South Korea's agriculture ministry said Wednesday that it is checking on a suspected case of bird flu at a duck farm in the northern part of the country.

The farm ministry said a large duck farm in Icheon, 80 kilometers north of Seoul, reported symptoms that may indicate the birds have been infected with avian influenza.

The National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service is testing samples from the dead ducks on the farm with the results to be announced Saturday.

South Korea reported its last bird flu outbreak in April last year. Since late December 2010, the government has culled more than

6.27 million birds across the country.

Prior to the latest series of outbreaks, South Korea was hit by avian influenza three times, with the last case occurring in April

2008 and resulting in the culling of 3.45 million birds. Other outbreaks took place in the winter months of 2003-2004 and 2006-2007. (Yonhap News)



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